IONChain: A platform to design and automate transactions between smart devices

in crypto •  6 years ago  (edited)

For some years they began to conceptualize an idea: The Internet of Things (IoT), as the technology advanced, increasingly intelligent devices were created (with greater processing capacity) with the ability to connect to the network of networks : The Internet. This opened a new field within the world of technological applications, since it was possible to control devices at great distances thanks to their connection to the network.

IoT has evolved by converging wireless technologies, micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), control systems, microservices, local databases and the internet. The convergence has helped to break down the walls between operational technology (OT) and information technology (IT), allowing the control of smart devices through the network.

One of the qualities of this type of technology is that each device becomes a generator and exchanger of unstructured data. This information generated by machines is the raw material for the quantitative and qualitative analysis that drives improvements in the quality of the services provided or in the improvement of devices, either by detecting faults or new needs.

The development of new technologies brings with it a range of possibilities, but great powers bring great responsibilities and in some cases great risks. The IoT technology allows you to think in front of completely controlled homes from an intelligent device connected to the network. The most visionary opt for a smart city where all services and interactions are interconnected and calibrated from the information generated by smart devices.

Currently this is not possible, issues such as the compatibility of interconnected devices, the processing of large volumes of data and the security of the data generated are some of the major limitations to this technology.

In recent years the demand for intelligent devices has increased, no area escapes this reality from the most complex industrial processes to the simplest tasks within the home now they are delegated to intelligent devices that systematize and facilitate the execution of tasks. IONChain comes at the right time.IONChain is a decentralized platform that allows users to control the data generated by their IoT devices and create interaction, a harmonious interaction between all their IoT devices. How does IONChain accomplish this? Simple, it implements a unified IONChain protocol for all devices, with which they can share the data and interact based on the information provided by other devices connected to IONChain.

IONChain solves the problem of compatibility, by integrating the IONChain protocol into various IoT devices from different manufacturers and industries, creating a system where information and execution of orders are made under the same format in a centralized system. This eliminates the need to convert information from one format to another, which makes real-time decision making possible because no time is lost in the conversion of individual data for each of the devices integrated into the network.

As the manufacturers of IoT devices are integrated into IONChain, the possibilities of automating the operation of the connected devices through the dAPPs are increased. However, this increases the amount of data generated that must be processed, according to current conditions the scalability of the system would be greatly limited by the data processing capacity.

The procedure commonly used is to use a data processing service in the cloud, this means that hundreds of devices would be constantly sending a large amount of data and that the processing of information would be done in one place. IONChain changes this vision and takes advantage of the processing capacity of each of the information generating devices, using what is called "Edge Computing". Thanks to this implementation, the practice of processing data would be done near the edge of your network, where the data is generated, instead of transmitting it to a centralized data processing warehouse.

After the order issued by a dAPP, the Connected devices upload the data to the nearest processing node, which could be some device within the local network designated for the task or the same device could assume the processing task. The loaded data is processed with the data verification and time lapse algorithms. After the verification is completed, send the reward for the loaded data to the wallet of the owner of the device.

This system combines blockchain technology with Edge Computing technology, which results in an exponential increase in information processing capacity and as the number of devices integrated into the network increases proportionally, the data processing capacity increases. IONChain uses this combination to efficiently solve the problems of scalability and information processing. Additionally, it reduces the risks associated with the theft of information since the information is processed from different nodes of the network, making it impossible to access the entire database in case of an attack.

The three fundamental pillars of this platform are the device, the code and the currency. When talking about the device, it refers to any IoT device that will be used in the network. The code refers to the blockchain technology that will serve as support for interactions such as the creation of data and the transmission of data later. The currency refers to the cryptoactive created by the IONChain ecosystem: the IONC. This currency will be the means of commercial exchange and the rewarding asset with which users will be rewarded for the data provided to the platform.

Additionally, the use of smart contracts allows dAPPS users to create digital agreements on data transactions and ownership of them. The blockchain technology allows IoT owners to decide exactly which devices to interact with and what data they want to distribute and with whom they want to share.

Before proceeding further, it is necessary to know the concept on which the architecture of IONChain is based: ionization. This knowledge will facilitate us to understand later the logic implemented by the team when designing this platform:

"Ionization is the process by which an atom or molecule acquires a negative or positive charge by winning or losing electrons to form ions, often together with other chemical changes."

Unchain developed an algorithm called "IONIZATION" in which the two main functions of the block chain are separated: the creation of value and the transfer of value.

This system confers different properties to the creation of value and the transfer of it. The ioniz ation algorithm proposes different operating schemes in which the business model requires combining the operation of separate layers corresponding to the creation of value and the value transfer layer.

This system is designed so that each of the IoT devices becomes a mining machine, allowing the devices to dedicate themselves to the creation of value constantly. The system is adjusted to the needs of each of the devices, for which each type will have a specific design of the ionization algorithm. The ionization achieved with this algorithm allows combining the created value with new types of consensus algorithms (PoS) that will "translate" the value generated in different scenarios into the unified standard of IONC currencies.

The transfer of value is a process that is composed of six different layers: application, service, protocol, smart contracts, blockchain and data storage.


  1. application layer: is the layer in which the interface with the users is located. It is responsible for the interactions between the system and people.
  2. Service layer: refers to the layer that will be used to communicate between the internal modules. This layer is responsible for the interconnection of devices connected to the same network.
  3. Protocol layer: the layer that will contain all the central protocols that are part of the IONChain ecosystem. Basically, the operating protocols of the system will be present.
  4. Intelligent contract layer: is the layer responsible for linking the block chain and the application. This layer assures users that the stored data will be used according to the law and in a secure manner.
  5. Blockchain layer: it is the core of any decentralized system and for IONChain it is not the exception. Here are the bases of the platform, the protocols for decision making and the encryption of the information that makes the information secure. In order to better adapt to the characteristics of the IoT network, changes will be made to the classic POS algorithm. The new IPOS algorithm is divided into two parts: choose a group of block producers and schedule the production. This division is what makes the implementation of technology for the IoT possible.
  6. Data storage layer: this layer uses the Interplanetary File System (IPFS) in combination with BigChainDB to facilitate the decentralized storage of data.

The internet of things has endless applications, many of these applications require the simultaneous operation of several systems from different manufacturers with totally different operating systems. The control systems require that all the devices are programmed under the same format to guarantee a total integration of all the components of the system.

Despite using blockchain technology, each of the manufacturers can opt for different formats of this technology. This situation would limit the compatibility of the Dapp to the handful of companies with which commercial relations are maintained. At this point IONChain takes a step forward and proposes a global standard where developers can create the dAPP with the certainty that once the operation is started and compatibility is guaranteed with all the devices implemented in the network. The users with this manage to obtain a product that allows them to get the most out of their IoT devices.

The IONChain platform creates the IONC as the official ecosystem token. It can be used by the different participants in the IONChain ecosystem without any type of limitation. The allocation of rewards will be done through the IONC, this will be the main tool to encourage the use of IoT devices in the decentralized mining process. The Ionc is the anchor point of this platform, as users are motivated to participate actively in the creation of value with their devices will increase the value of the token and therefore the reward.

Hence the importance of Ionc as a central part of IONChain's business model, its economic model. The mining rewards mechanism of IONChain is designed to encourage an increase in the participation rate of existing users in the network and to attract more users to the IONChain community. This is achieved by encouraging many smaller IoT devices to participate in the mining process that overloads them due to the efficient use of their capacity and the increasingly attractive incentives of the platform.

One of the fields in which the concept of the internet of things takes on another dimension are autonomous automobiles. This idea includes the operation of multiple systems of manufacturers that are in constant data collection, both the performance and performance of the car and the external conditions (environmental, road and driver). They are considered as "centers of production and data collection on wheels", while they are in operation they do not stop collecting information, and all this information must be processed in real time so that we can enjoy an optimal and safe autonomous driving. A car of these characteristics would be generated daily a data equivalent to 4 terabytes, a large amount of data that needs to be processed that can not be transmitted to any processing center. This information must be analyzed in real time for decision making for the calibration of injection, suspension, heating and suspension systems, to mention a few.

Thanks to the IONChain technology all the IoT devices of the car would be integrated in a single system, the information generated by each of the devices will be encrypted thanks to the blockchain technology, and each of the devices will be responsible for processing your information to be implemented in making decisions in real time. This technology would make real an automatic pilot for car trips, it would reduce to almost zero the traffic accidents and the windings of people. IONChain would place the IoT to a level never before seen until now.

The internet of things is an innovative concept that would change the current paradigms about the use of technology in our lives. IoT devices are designed to interconnect the network of networks with our daily life. The problem is that in order to be efficient, communication, categorization and monitoring of data in real time in an efficient and optimized manner is necessary. This is necessary to obtain useful information, geolocated, quantified and ordered. The advent of new communication protocols, or the optimization of the expected 5G with even faster data transfer speeds, together with the development of highly efficient and high performance functional architectures for intelligent systems, is a key element that allows us to think about new and best applications of this technology.

This context IONChain maximizes the implementation of IoT technology, since the data of the connected devices are processed in real time. These data will become even more valuable because they are received and analyzed almost instantaneously giving immediate answers.IONChain integrating hundreds of devices under a single system ensures that all devices, regardless of the manufacturer, generate information in a single format. The integration made by IONChain opens the possibility for the creation of value at gigantic levels and increases the possible technological implementations.

A brief summary of this great platform:

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