in crypto •  6 years ago  (edited)




In the world of digital technology has advanced tremendously and it has been shown over recent years, it has been a good friend to humans, in terms of communication, socialization, research work, data transfer, coexistence virtual, friendship, profitability and more.

In fact, they enthuse much economic transactions that can be done by different virtual platforms, which have been implemented in many ways and means to maintain security, speed and transparency in Internet transactions,

In this sense, power and innovation Blockchain recognized as a decentralized technology, which consists of multiple nodes linked network; imperishable digital data recording and economic transactions that are scheduled solidly with the help of cryptography, to keep records of financial transactions and anything else of value insurance.

In this vein, following in the footsteps of Blockchain innovations in technology, BUMO arrives, which offers many benefits for a transfer of values ​​ubiquitous, trusted, global security and reliability.

What is BUMO? Source

BUMO is designed to be the answer to many of the problems that present themselves to us users.

Because BUMO is a decentralized network that is aimed at establishing a trust, strength, validity, speed, freedom, security, ease and scalability to transfer digital values, just when they both needed or when more desired by businesses and general users.

That is, BUMO is a new project that has been designed and developed for the creation and implementation of a new Blockchain network, where all users can perform transactions and secure and rapid exchanges via their smart devices.

Therefore, BUMO is most unique, because for creating their Blockchain network does not necessarily require powerful computers and high end powerful or many expensive resources; simply because BUMO uses any smart device with internet access; so that makes many users and companies that need to make any kind of securities transactions, make them more easily accessible with this technology.

In fact, BUMO offered through their networks and nodes connected, through their smart devices to manage their finances more reliable, simple, safe and fast.

In contradiction, it is clear to those who know something of the world of Blockchain, when decentralized systems, one of its weaknesses use, is the long time it takes to perform transactions, especially if we are talking about thousands of transactions per second, They collapse even make the most Blockchains; but with BUMO no longer be the case, since one of its design goals is potentially accelerate the process of securities transactions.

That is, this new BUMO network involves all users and all nodes that join the project; which involve always be available at all times, in all places without exception. In order to keep adding more and more smart devices to this great family Blockchain decentralized to make it more powerful and fast.

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What is the Vision of BUMO?

BUMO's vision is to create an innovative and powerful next-generation Blockchain and very fast to transfer Ubiquitous value.

What is the difference that has BUMO with other platforms?

Obviously BUMO has several differences that make it unique in this virtual field of Blockchain technology, among which are:

1- It has incredible processing speed will allow us make up to 10,000 operations per second.

2- It allows users and companies to transform any assets they possess a valuable token.

3- Supports all users and increases its progressive growth.

4- It is very powerful and has a low cost of operation and implementation of transactions in the system because it does not need high-end computers.

How Network consists BUMO?

In BUMO, network is constructed and operated according to the smart devices connected to it, and the more users and businesses to connect more ubiquitous gets the BUMO network. In this sense, connected smart devices can assume different roles:

1- NODE: Once any smart device is usually connected to the network within the BUMO environment immediately assumes the role of a simple Node.

2- NODE CANDIDATE: A smart device becomes this particular case, after connecting, applying and approved technically to become a candidate Node; because only the most qualified smart devices with certain characteristics may be selected to become a Node Candidate.

3- NODE VALIDATOR: A smart device after being a Node Candidate and acting responsibly in managing and admnistración network and its resources, it can choose to be a Node Validator, adopted by consensus,

What Are the Benefits of BUMO?

With BUMO users and companies will enjoy enormous benefits expected to bring rapid development of the ecosystem of this public chain first global line; in fact, also all of us with our enabled devices will have the opportunity to become candidates for future global super Node BUMO.

Similarly, BUMO offers other great benefits such as:

1- Ubiquitous Network Trust: Because BUMO is based on trust to be ubiquitous, which can count from the beginning, because it is present everywhere in the world and the Blockchain network; and to generate greater confidence, BUMO offers us all we will have every right over our data.

2- It has a Reliable Transfer System Value: Because BUMO generates absolute security to achieve the reliability of all the reliable through link between the real and the virtual.

3- It has an ecosytem Dapp has a public exchange: because applications are Dapp BUMO innovations for the public exchange.

Therefore, I can say in a few words BUMO and identity digital design is very reliable and ubiquitous, because it offers an excellent protocol tokenization, with their ubiquitous transfers of securities transactions and exchange decentralized Dapp, among other benefits.

BUMO and Reliable Technology.

BUMO has an innovative advanced technology, in terms of offering establilidad, reliability, ubiquity and speed to generate a reliable and secure platform Blockchain; with its modern technological infrastructure and software modules focused on well-defined, with Firework core technologies as BU, BU Orbits, BU and BU CodeMach Canal.

Techniques BUMO Features:

The improved consensus BUMO protocol has two layers, with model DPOS + BFT improved, and a system of continuous and dynamic polling a mapping fast Subchain subassemblies and novel consensus two layers to support multi-child.


That is, the polymorphic two-layer architecture of BUMO, it is designed for multi-child Blockchain; whose diversifications are included in a sketch book with hash and indexing, ease of creating a substring, storage separate ledger for child chains, established sub-chains with different parameters work and excellent value transfer freely among all nodes in the Blockchain.

*Inter-Value Chain for Routing Through Blockchains

BUMO is specially designed to build a pource with backbones separated, set chains homogeneous and heterogeneous blocks that can be supported, transfer values ​​freely through Blockchain applying a set consensus Inter-Chain and be operating similarly to a "router" traditional Internet.*

Source https://www.bumo.io/technology Deldo

BUMO for Developers

BUMO has a variety of smart friendly Blockchain contracts for developers and offers many advantages for those developers blockchain world, such as for example smart contracts to provide developers with a visual debugging through contracts editor; plus many examples of smart contracts through innovative templates; with many exceptions handling and also providing a mechanism for interoperability of smart contracts. Smart contracts can be run in an isolated environment.

Similarly, BUMO is compatible and supports multiple languages ​​popular programming such as JavaScript, C/C++ and Python, to schedule a program source, languages ​​and reliable data.


Protocol Tokenization

In BUMO both tokenization or token protocols are APT and CTP, where users can use the Blockchain and transfer values ​​safely, quickly, easily and reliably:

1- Tokenization Protocol Based on Account (APT): In this case users can issue tokens quickly and efficiently. Even without the need to make smart contracts.


2- Tokenization Protocol Based on smart contract (CPT): where users can use a special feature of issuing smart token-based contracts and compatibility of different applications BUMO such as terminals wallets and trading markets.



BUMO also has its own TOKEN known as BU, with similar characteristics to Ethereum protocol.

BU token can be purchased in various ways, among which stands out, through active participation in the development and programming to build its ecosystem, detecting and reporting bugs or it can be buying and selling tokens BU. Similarly, gains acting as Validator and charging a transaction fee through the "Gas".

Portfolio # BUMO

Obviously, BUMO offers all its users and companies who wish to participate, a practical portfolio, reliable, secure and portable, with a Total synchronization ledgers multiple nodes, supports management aggregation of multiple assets, signing transactions offline, consensus and account control joint signature quickly meet the demands of users in different scenarios and creating a secure and reliable customer use easily wallet.

In addition, BUMO also provides a key generator, which provides the option of open source development and a direct account with Blockchain.

In fact, BUMO Wallet is much faster because no need to store all data from a client node, it also provides technical and extendible complete and reliable consensus support.


Case of Use:

Bob is a successful entrepreneur, but he really like the innovation at internet world, and he is always updated technology, is well aware of the benefits of chain blocks and benefits him can bring to his business; so try to identify services and active in the world of Blockchain to make the most possible.

Although Bob knows the risks, terms and aspects related to Blockchain, and he also knows that not all customers will have sufficient intelligence and ability to adapt to this new technology.

So Bod decides to change and improve him business and give he the best experience to his customers, but does not want to do with any Blockchain; so that searching through the networks met and investigated BUMO and its great benefits, and realizes that the facilities Bumo offers through its tools, can make his business grow, his smart devices is one like Nodes and digital values ​​of your company can be converted into tokens and along with them come and achieve many more successes he already has.

#Global community

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Because BUMO (https://www.bumo.io/) It is committed to making the world more open and interconnected, hoping to build a ubiquitous Blockchain infrastructure for the global community, and hopes that many more leaders, experts, businessmen and influential users to join BUMO.



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Socosn and Inversionitas.



More Information & Resources:
BUMO WebsiteSource
BUMO WhitePaper Source
BUMO TechnicalPaper//Source
BUMO Telegram Source
BUMO Weibo Source
BUMO Reddit Source
BUMO Facebook Source
BUMO Twitter Source
BUMO Github Source
BUMO Wallet Source


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