Crypto Currencies

in crypto •  7 years ago 

crypto.jpegEveryone is talking about which Crypto Currencies to bet on ( I say that because right now it is all speculation ). Most Cryptos are not even currently doing what they are trying to do. A few exceptions are Bitcoin, Lightcoin, and Ethereum. In order to pick a coin you will need to look at the team of developers involved and research their back ground. Do they have a past history of accomplishing what they set out to do? Are they respected among the cryptograghers? You also want to look at the utility that the coin may have once in circulation. I, personally, also like to look at the current supply and circulating supply. The daily volume and the circulating supply will give you an idea of whether or not other people are adopting the idea of the coin and believe in its potential.

Right now we are in the very beginning stages of Crypto Currencies. The best advice I can give is to start educating yourself. their are many groups on reddit, Telegram, and certain people on Twitter to watch. Crypto Currency News is another outlet to pay attention to on youtube. Like anything new, the crypto world will take some time for adoption, but once people truly understand what the block chain is It will fundamentally change the word that we live in. This is some very exciting stuff and once you get into it, and understand it, it will suck you in even more. Feel free to ask any questions in the comments below and I will do my best to answer them for you with the best information that I can.

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