How to Make Passive Income from Crypto if we have no penny in it possible or not?

in crypto •  7 years ago 

First to write about my title , i wana give the short line answer that yes it is possible to earn here on internet if you have no one penny in your wallet , but how i will try to clear this, that how we can do it?

there are alot of method to earn free passive income from cryptocurrency ,,,, if we are really serious,,,,,,, for this earning we need some things,,

first we need one computer conected with internet facility,, 2nd knowledge of computer using,,,,,,,,, 3rd passion,, and last one and very important is 4th one is patient,, tolerance in work,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


there are many new crpto curreny that before coming in market they offer free crypto coin to verified people ,, so we can get them,,, after launching on exchange we can sell them, and can buy other coin it is best way to earn passive income from crypto currency


there are thousand paid to clicks website that offer free sign up, and give cryptocurreny if we login and clicks on their adds, so with this work we can earn crypto currency..................

microtask sites

there are many website that offer free sign up , there you can get micro task,, here you need to complete some micro task,, and employer pay to you with bitcoin , or any ohter currency,, that you neeed ,, then after getting you can buy any other crypto currency,, but here i wana mention only work on best site,, verified site,,, not on scame site.....

captcha typing work

there also come site that give crypto currecy ,, if you do solve and typed captcha on their site,,, so with typing work you can earn crypto ,, easily

there are many ways that help you to get crypto coin with out paying one penny,,, but again i will repeat here only need some telrance,, if you have tolerance in you mind then you can get success other wise,,,, remmeber this sentnce always before doing any work

"haste make waste"

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