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Getting a few cryptocurrencies in your wallet is not a bad idea and what is even more fascinating is when you get it for free. Ditching the old school method of mining, many apps these days are offering a chance to the users to earn these digital currencies for free. Well not completely free, but it is as easy as learning ABC! This way, not only companies are attracting a new user base but also promoting the concept of cryptocurrency and hence making intelligent use of cryptocurrency development services.
After reading this article, you will get familiar with the concept of integrating cryptocurrencies in an app-based platform like many of the companies have already done to add a modern touch to their operations.
Crypto Offering Apps
The slow rising trend of crypto earning apps has paved a new way to promote the companies along with the digital currencies. Let us discuss some distinctive mobile-based apps that provide users with the platform to earn some digital money-
The app is getting popular among fitness lovers. Running has never been so fun until burning calories became the means for earning cash… or say cryptocurrency.
The app Sweatcoin offers a cryptocurrency that itself is called "Sweatcoin" for every 1000 steps that you take. You can make 0.95 Sweatcoins for 1000 steps that make it enough bucks for your fitness.
It allows the user either to cash out the crypto earned using PayPal or trading for goods as an Amazon gift card.
It is time for the content writers to level-up their skills and focus on getting creative. LBRY is an app that provides content writers with a platform to publish their writings and auction it online. In exchange, LBRY provides them with LBRY tokens for the articles that have been sold.
The LBRY app eliminates the need for a mediator and hence prevents the writers from sharing the profit of their hard work.
Also Read: How Cryptocurrency Development Will Help Transform Your Business?
Another app in the list that focuses on the content writers, Steemit is an effective medium for the content writers to showcase their skills. The app awards the user in its patent cryptocurrency called 'Steem', which is getting popular as a writer-oriented cryptocurrency possessing value in the real-world.
So, it is the right time for the writers to sharpen their skills and make the competition sweat their foremost writing skills.
Based on a different concept, the StormX demands its users to get active. It ain't for the couch potatoes, but what the app demands are to move a little. You can earn a variety of cryptocurrencies by completing the micro-tasks assigned in the app StormX.
What makes it even more versatile is that it is developed to run smoothly on a variety of platforms such as the Android, iPhone, or even on your laptop.
The app provides you Storm tokens, Bitcoins, or Ethereum on completing the tasks.
Decentralized News Network (DNN):
DNN comes as a blessing for media enthusiasts. DNN, with a concept of its own kind, is a means for the amateur news creators as well as the newsreaders to earn a bit of extra income in the form of cryptocurrency.
The creators get a chance to make digital money by creating the news. The other side of the story covers the readers that earn in cryptocurrency for creating backups of the news generated by the former hence, promoting journalism.
Maybe the god is on its way to reward you for your good deeds. However, the developers of BitforTip decided to tip you early. BitforTip, a platform that supports the helpers to earn a few cents for their deedful work of helping others.
The user needs to search for answers throughout the internet to queries and doubts made by the people and in return, you earn small pieces of Bitcoins worth 30 to 70 cents (on an average, for each microtask).
Operating entirely on the Ethereum blockchain technology, Ethlance app rewards the users in the cryptocurrency called Ethereum on completing tasks. What makes it even more interesting is the fact that the platform charges 0% service for the rewards earned, making it a win-win situation.
The apps, as mentioned above, to promote cryptocurrency development are flourishing their online business with their innovative concept and inspiring many to do the same.
Final Words
Cryptocurrency development services are making their way into the business gradually. Compared to its launch a decade ago, they have now become a reliable platform for business operations. The decentralized, fast, secure, and immutable form makes its hype in the global currency market.
Investing in cryptocurrency development can be a smart move for you to flourish your business in no time. Choosing a team of expert developers can be like finding a needle in the haystack, but with the right research, you are likely to end up in the safe hands!