The Sandbox - How To Make Money (and have a lot of fun) - Play 2 Earn Movement

in crypto •  last year 




I'm reporting to you live right now within the Sandbox Metaverse, where I want to explain to you a few things, fast and easy.

Lets get right into it.

(Please note, this is a companion guide to the videos on our Youtube channel, which I hope you also find helpful, which you can find here, where we show a lot of things that we talk about here being done, on video, thank you and now let's move on)

#1 Q. How do I earn money in this game?


A. In the spirit of keeping things easy to understand, short and simple, Sandbox players are able to earn $Sand token in this game, and NFT's (items), which are in turn worth more $Sand, when sold on the open market, and then of course, convert these things to cash in any method they chose.




#2 Q. Ok cool, so how do I get $Sand token, and NFT's?


(This game is just mad sick, yo)

#2 A. Free rewards can be obtained at this time, by participating in the seasons the game holds, and their events, which are currently open to the public. After you have created a sandbox account, you simply navigate to the left hand side of the browser, open the slide menu, and select "events" from the left hand side.



#2 A. This will take you to a event page menu, where as you can see, the popular kitchen show "Hell's Kitchen" with Gordon Ramsey is now running a live event in partnership with The Sandbox. Atari, Snoop Dog, Paris Hilton, The AMC Walking Dead television show, Fashion Designers, Artists, are just some of 100's of house hold brands now getting into the Metaverse,

(You should be very interested in this)


A. What you see above is a example of the two events Hell's Kitchen is hosting in their world, one is free I have shown on the left, the other, is only for Avatar NFT holders, you can purchase one and play to earn for even more profit, but we can discuss that another time. For today we will only talk about free fun and rewards.


A. Here, we can see, that upon completing all quests in the Hell's Kitchen world we will need a total of 19 "Etho's Point's" or "EP's" as we call them. In this example I am literally only 1 point short, and I'm not sure why, that's ok, I'll go back and finish the 1 point, which is very important to making sure you have completed all objectives and will receive the reward.


A. Simply click play, and you will be loaded into the experience. You will see yellow "!" indicators, showing you that you must go to a objective to complete tasks. These can be anything from fetch quests, scavenge, hunts, parkour challenges and so on, for the purposes of this article for you but you will have to be resourceful when looking for solutions, like finding other Youtubes, joining the creators discords, and so on, often, the tasks can be quite difficult, in this case, in this map, the parkour challenges are one of the much harder ones we've faced. You can see the video for this Hell's Kitchen completion here

A. Ok so, we can see, these are the potential rewards we can receive simply by free playing this event, which is open to anyone, which are honestly, can be, tremendous in value. Even baseline rewards, are simply great, considering that $Sand coin was worth 8$ a coin top of last 2022 bull market.


Prizes that can be looted in this chest are,

-20 Hell's Kitchen Avatars (40-60 $Sand value time of this writing)
-100x100 $Sand packs (Phenomenal Free Value)
-One share of a 40k Sand Pool (This is almost impossible to determine, because it will be completely dependent on how many participated in the free event, but on average, it can be 5-20+ $Sand we find, really great value for just complete guarantied free,)

#3 Q. Explain to me more stuff please

A. Conclusion - Basically, what I have just outlined is the core of how you can get started, just make a account, and instantly just have fun, be engaged, and start learning. There is another event going on right now, called March Madness, and even French Weeks, with again, more free chests and rewards, simply for doing these quests, and yes, you can just keep completing these events and stacking rewards.

It should be noted it can take a long time sometimes to distribute the rewards, the actual boxes, and claim them, but they simply always come.


This is the nature of blockchain emerging technology and pioneers helping change the future of gaming. Testers, developers, and companies, this is often why we receive free rewards in the first place, for helping test, and being early investors with our time and money in products we love and support.

Now, lastly, please be noted, you can make NFT's in this game to earn tons of money, you can invest small amounts and "Pay to Play to Earn" which is how we've made most of our money, you can simply flip and trade NFT's on the after market, and do all sorts of things to further your passion of being and living in this scene.

That's all for now folks!

See ya in the Metaverses !

Long live the Play 2 Earn Movement !

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Looking good! You sure know how to blog!