RE: How to Build a (Crypto) Community - Three (3) Lessons from Games Developer Conference (GDC)

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How to Build a (Crypto) Community - Three (3) Lessons from Games Developer Conference (GDC)

in crypto •  7 years ago 

I believe but cannot prove that 'crypto meetups' are thinly veiled law enforcement attempts to assign every anon coin address to a face.

I see no reason to have a crypto meetup, the entire purpose of encryption is to ensure security and anonymity, doxing yourself is really the opposite of crypto.

In this sense, steemit is not crypto, nor is bitshares. They are simply websites which use codes like https to send information, but they hide nothing about the user.

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Security and anonymity are both important points. I think it is interesting to see how security and anonymity are balanced with disclosure and consent.

What are you talking about? This doesn't even begin to address what I said.

Say something intelligent that addresses what I wrote or shut up. Don't just babble something inane.

On one hand, decentralization is about security and anonymity as you said. On the other hand, because tokens are listed on exchanges and may be considered "securities", laws and regulations are beginning to require certain disclosures.

Consent is important because folks have been placing other parties as advisors and teams without their consent.

My personal view is that it is important to balance anonymity and security with disclosure and consent.