Where Does Your Bitcoin Go When You Die? Will All Bitcoin End Up In Accounts Of People Who Have Passed Away?

in crypto •  7 years ago 

Where Does Your Bitcoin Go When You Die? Will All Bitcoin End Up In Accounts Of People Who Have Passed Away? This is the case for many unprepared Bitcoin owners. The key to passing on your fortune is to storing your private Bitcoin Keys in a place your family will be able to access them when you pass on. Also known as cold storage, private keys are the number one safest way to store Bitcoin for both the living and the dead. If you store your Bitcoin in an exchange or online wallet your family would need to convince that online wallet you passed away and that they have the right to access your Bitcoin.

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good I am following you, I hope you will also follow up vote me this honor to me

Good question. Well i store some important data on my old laptops hard drive its small and compact and i have kit sata pata to usb you can use from any pc its quick and easy to use i bought that kit after my laptop died it vas very old piece of crap and i needed to recover some data from it. And also i store back ups in my storage email in zip fail with passvord on it i upvote follow hope you follov me back cheers

@mralan - what a GREAT question to ask - as soon as I saw the title a lightbulb went off in my head and immediate blew out! Who indeed gets our bitcoin? I guess it is whoever we have entrusted our wallet key to. Put it in an envelope and give it to your attorney that handles your will - alternately you could possibly store it in a safe deposit box - but no guarantee the bank will still be in business by then. Could bury it in the backyard - could keep on your rottwielers dog tag - I guess a personal safe would probably be safest. Again - what a great question - thanks for bringing it up - its forcing me to address an issue that I hadn't given any though to.

I was just thinking about exactly this earlier today!! Good idea to give someone I trust the key, just in case.