in crypto •  7 years ago  (edited)

INTRODUCTION: Blockchain Technology; A Major Fuel for Crypto-Evolution

Our ever-changing world have been open to the idea that technology will always give room for improvements and this special idea has been the major driving force that has led to major inventions shaping our world today.
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Blockchain Technology is one of those inventions that changed the whole system and catapulted the world technology to a whole new level. The world of Cryptocurrencies has experienced a major upturn since the introduction of Blockchain technology with its enormous benefits ranging from security, decentralization, flexibility, and a whole lot of others, this technology has come to stay.

The Existing Problem of the ICO market

It is no more news that the significant boost in the economy of the ICO market, caught the attention of major investors and many considered venturing into it. The ICO market however, has lost the trust of many crypto-investors due to the level of loss it has brought over the years.
Over the years, many ICOs were launched with impressive plans and proposed benefits which swept most investors off their feet. It is frustrating to note that less than half of them were actually able to deliver as planned. Most of these projects were later realised to be the work of scammers and others failed due to poor investment plans.
This unfortunate downturn has made ICO marketing like a Game of Poker to many. With the public having this negative impression and it will require alot of effort to put the ICO market on track and also win the heart of the public once more.

VERTEX : The Ideal Solution to the Problem of the ICO Market


Vertex is the world first ICO aftermarket platform whose aim is to bridge that gap that has been created between the ICOs and the public.

Vertex serves as an aftermarket whereby successful ICOs even after launching could be purchased by investors at affordable prices (better than the one offered by the ICO itself) and also without any concern of scam or loss. With this, it is completely obvious that vertex is aimed at putting a smile on the faces of every investors.
One very special thing about Vertex is that they are also aimed at creating multiple opportunities for investors. Alot of successful ICOs which didn't get to the reach of the public because the were all purchased during private sale can now be acquired by the investors.

VERTEX Offers Special Services and Features Which No Other Project Can Beat

Price Stability

One problem every crypto investor always have to battle with is price variation. Sometimes this problem gets so frustrating for investors that most of them get financially choked up due to purchasing tokens at outrageous prices most times leaving them in great loss.
Vertex is aimed at curbing this problem through the use of their special token called the Vertex Token. Every user will have to purchase the Vertex token and buy into vetted ICOs using the Vertex token. This strategic move will help prevent the problem of price variation because every investor will purchase these tokens at a fixed price no matter the amont of token he/she is set to purchase.


Vertex understands that Security is Priority, that is why every effort to provide the best security for investors information and funds have been put in place.
One special feature which helps improves security in any platform is decentralization. Vertex runs with a decentralized platform where each user will have a special wallet to keep their funds and will be at liberty to enable the 2FA feature (Two-factor Authentication) on their account to help ensure maximum security of their account.


Vertex will help ensure that every investor is assured of the safety of their investment. With the fear many investors possess of the ICO market and its downturn in the past, Vertex will ensure that new ICOs are properly vetted and appropriately investigated before they can be put up for public sale.

Vertex Roadmap


VERTEX is Aimed at Benefitting Every Party Involved.

Vertex is designed in such a way whereby every party involved will benefit massively; up from the investors and down to the general crypto community.

The Investors

The investor enjoys massive benefit from Vertex ranging from maximum security, affordable prices of tokens, great assurance of massive profit and a whole of other benefits. With Vertex, the investor won't have to worry about the legitimacy of the ICO he is investing in anymore because a special team of experts have been put in place to vet all ICOs for credibilty and to ensure they have met every requirements.

The ICOs

For every ICO that passes the Vertex evaluation, they are entitled to numerous benefits. Vertex is aimed at benefitting not only the investors, but the ICOs also will enjoy a wide range of benefits from Vertex. With some of the benefits being that the ICO will get to be advertised for free and will also obtain a reputatoonal boost as the Vertex SEAL of trust will be awarded to every legitimate ICO.

The General Crypto-community

The crypto-community in general will not also be left out of this special benefits. Vertex will help bridge the gap set in the past between the ICOs and the general public. We all are aware that when a system is trusted, the whole workflow will be balanced and that will give room for general liquidity of the crypto market.






ICO marketing is taking another dimension with Vertex. The goodnews is that every party is going to have a share of benefit from the amazing project Vertex has put in place. Vertex is not just changing the way ICO marketing is done, Vertex is changing lives.

For more Information, Kindly Visit:

Vertex Website
Vertex White paper
Vertex Facebook
Vertex Twitter
Vertex Medium

Author: mrrpiusz
Bitcointalk Username: mrrpiusz
Bitcointalk profile:;u=2290998
Twitter profile

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In-depth yet simplistic analysis. Great job @mrrpiusz. I know of Vertex too. The project is awesome and will be beneficial to the crypto space in no small way.

Yea @michades97, thank you for creating time to read my article.
The Vertex Project is an amazing one which will help reshape ICO marketing.

Amazing project i love it .

Thank you @pius32.
For more information, you could kindly visit Vertex website to learn more about the project.

Great project ,this project will change ICO maketing for the best.

Yea, Sure it will

Vertex project is looking promising, I would love to know more about it.

Okay. For more info, log on to their website from the link in the article