Today the market has a lot of crypto-currencies, which are interesting and promising in their own way. Also it is possible to allocate different target audiences, leading active activity in this sphere. And for each of them it's important to save your time and money in accounting for your crypto-currency portfolio. In this case, come to the rescue system, which combines all the operations and different tokens. But, nevertheless, often these systems do not meet all the requirements of all categories of investors.
What specifically interests different target audiences?
· Private investors are only interested in how much they have earned and whether they can earn more. For them, a simple and intuitive interface is important, easy to track investments.
· For traders, the maximum automation is important, as they make many transactions with one currency and often do not monetize in manual growth or fall is difficult. Also, if the trader takes over the management of the clients' finances, it is important for them to divide the personal cabinet into client and agent and ease in the report to the customer.
· For funds, such services are absolutely necessary. At the same time, they are also interested in the automation of transactions and the reduction of expenses for buh. accounting. Today there are several popular such systems, but none of them fully meets the needs of the audience. The market remains undeveloped.
It was with the goal of solving these problems that the FinTab service was created. The developers of the program set a goal in 2018 to become the largest multi-platform financial accounting for crypto-currencies. Created a working beta and mobile applications for the android system. In addition to accounting and systematization of crypto-currencies, FinTab offers revenue from other areas.
Today, many experts agree that the interest in this service will grow. There are clear reasons for this:
Developers constantly improve the functionality for all categories of users;
90% of tokens received for payment of the service will be burned;
Advertising functionality increases the turnover of tokens.
Tokens FinTab (FNT and FNTB).
FinTab (FNT and FNTB) tokens are issued on the basis of Ethereum block system. FNT can be purchased for BTC and ETH. The process of selling tokens is protected through the customer's personal cabinet. All in all, 16.5 million tokens will be released. The distribution will be as follows:
Now the main stage of ISO is already underway, and it will last until January 30, 2018. Therefore, you can still have time to buy coins of this undoubtedly promising project. The cost of 1 coin at this stage is equal to $ 0.4.
For January - February 2018, the monetization of the project is planned. Then, as noted by the creators, there is a "process of continuous improvement".
All the important information can be found here: