NFT ART “the dick pic” She Built Website To Turn Dick Pics Into NFT Art
The ‘dick pic’ is a linguistic gesture that almost always carries the wrong message; the man may mean seduction, but the receiver interprets it as confusion (what the heck is this!) or violence (unsolicited).
So, what do you do with it? Let the internet’s latest sensation take care of it. Be the vigilante you’re always meant to be and use NFT technology to rid the sender from ever bothering you again.
There’s no unseeing a man’s penis, particularly on social media, which has become an out-of-control menace. The ‘dick pic’ is a verbal gesture that almost often conveys the wrong message; the man might be suggesting seduction, but the recipient interprets it as misunderstanding (what the hell is this!) or abuse (unsolicited). And for the latter, the encounter is often surprising.
And one woman has declared war on men who give unsolicited dick pics on social media, where she is attempting to market them as NFT art.
Creating the best possible outcome from a bad situation
A new website called ‘NFT THE DP‘ helps even the least tech-savvy among us to turn dick pics into cash.
The procedure is straightforward: if you got an unsolicited ‘dick pic,’ you should go to the website, pay the minting fee, upload the dick pic, and begin minting.
This method helps you to create a permanent record of the dick pic on the blockchain ledger, with the sender’s name added as the artist. The website also contains a funny warning about what to do if your dick pic is turned into an NFT by a dissatisfied receiver: “Buy the NFTDP (no way around that). If you can’t afford it… too bad lol.”
The website, which went live on March 24, was created by Zoe Scaman, artistic strategist and founder of Bodacious, with assistance from a duo called Very Serious, according to Feedback Mag.
And if you think this penalty is too serious, consider this.
How to mint your NFT Dick Pic in 10 simple steps:
Download the unsolicited pickle onto your computer.
Download MetaMask.
Look for the little fox icon on the top-right side of your browser.
Click on the fox and set up your wallet. (Write down the random list of words on a piece of paper and set a password).
Look at you! You now have your very own ETH address. You’re almost ready to bombard the blockchain with phallic portraiture!
buy ETH using coinbase.
Now go on opensea and create an account.
Click “Create”.
upload unsolicited pickle.
Follow the Instructions and set your price! (the more expensive the better 😉)
Sign the transaction in Metamask (if the pop-up doesn’t show, click on the fox icon and sign)
You’re done! Now send the NFT link back to Mr. Creep and laugh all the way to bank.
Cyber-flashing is a danger.
According to a 2017 study conducted by the British market research and data analytics company YouGov, 53% of 18 to 35-year-old women claimed they had sent unsolicited dick pictures. Specifically, three out of every four millennial women reported getting pictures of men’s genitalia without their permission. When given a list of potential adjectives to characterize “dick pics,” the most popular labels they picked were “bad” (49 percent), “stupid” (48 percent), and “sad” (48 percent) (24 percent ). *Squeeze! *
But what really motivates men to give such ‘dick pics’ on their own initiative? According to a 2019 Canadian survey, the majority of them were inspired by a “transactional mindset”—they wished to obtain similar nudes in exchange.
Furthermore, men who recorded sending unsolicited ‘dick pics’ had higher levels of narcissism and advocated more ambivalent and aggressive misogyny than their non-sending peers.
What is an NFT?
Non-Fungible Token (NFT) is a digital commodity that has been monitored for authentication and copyright. This verification is carried out with the assistance of blockchain technology. The blockchain serves as a public ledger, allowing everyone to validate an entity’s identification and validity.
ALSO READ: NFTs Art How To Create, Buy And Sell Step By Step Guides 2021
Simply put, it’s a wireless identification certificate. Old – school art pieces, antique items, and other historical artifacts are often auctioned off with a receipt certifying their authenticity. NFTs have the same function as multimedia objects such as photographs, videos, audio, text, GIFs, and even tweets.
A cat gif with a Pop-Tart body sold for $600,000 in February; a month later, music artist Grimes sold several videos for $6 million; and 10 days later, a single jpeg file became the third most expensive artwork sold by a live artist as it sold for more than $70 million. Recently, an AI-created masterpiece sold for $70,000 dollars. You get the idea!
Okay, now that you know what you can accomplish, here’s what you can do the next time you get an unsolicited ‘dick pic’ in your DMs. Is this just a thought?