Bitcoin Arising

in crypto •  7 years ago 

Hello my fellow steemian's. It is a pleasure to keep you all posted on the recent happening on crypto- world most especially 'bitcoin'. Remember the last time,i drop a post on the same page with the heading "is bitcoin dead or is it time to invest". If you have not been read about it please kindly visit this link

Within few days bitcoin has been getting back to it normal shape but has not been able to recover from the hit. As at the time of writing this post bitcoin is about (3756$) which is quite a good margin from where it got landed after the shock which was around (3568$).420_Ly9jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy9lM2MxNWYyNTZhZmJhOTU5YmY4OGE5NjY1Y2ZlMDI1NS5qcGc=.jpg

There is never a fall in life without a cause. Explaining this in a simple term for all. After the trail it has been reveal that the statement of JP MORGAN in one or two of his meeting calling it a fraud which makes it to lost about 15% in value. I guess know one ever saw that coming but it has help a bit, lol get me right not supporting the idea but it has help many investor take their chances.420_Ly9jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy9lM2MxNWYyNTZhZmJhOTU5YmY4OGE5NjY1Y2ZlMDI1NS5qcGc=.jpg

By making them buy more bitcoin ahead of it pumping up and also by corverting some other coins into bitcoin for it to appreciate. Those in the crypto capital market do under what am saying.

The shocking thing there is that after such a hillarious and scary statement it has been found that JP MORGAN was found buying a huge large some of bitcoin. Cryptonian arise and stand the gap that cryoto coin can not be monopolise.

I stand for one and for all,cryoto coin has come to stay and bitcoin has that the lead.!DQmSU1hzsgYXpLoTgCd69jJHNJaNfZZj15c4dFDAwSLLxwM_1680x8400.pngDQmSU1hzsgYXpLoTgCd69jJHNJaNfZZj15c4dFDAwSLLxwM_1680x8400.png

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Good Post. Thanks for sharing this post.

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Bumpy ride in all currencies be it crypto or fiat, it is how you use either to learn more on how to better your lifestyle @olusolaemmanuel

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Thanks @joanstewart

Great post my friend, iam resteemet..

Thanks pal

Thanks pa

@ marzukie