Genesis of Misteria: War of the Fundamentals Part 2

in crypto •  2 years ago 


Their previous blog highlighted the happenings that led to the ‘War of the Fundamentals’. If you haven’t read that yet, click on the link below:

Now that you know how the war began, you would surely be interested to know what exactly happened during the war, who succumbed to the wrath of destruction and who emerged triumphant. They know you are waiting to read the rest of the story. So, here you go!

And just like that, the War of the Fundamentals began. By then, Chittyx was starting to lose himself under the grips of the malevolent spirit. Inciting the war by provoking Xeher against Enki, he caused the eldest of the fundamentals to test their strengths against one another. The Fire fundamental unleashed a flaming surge that chipped away at the heart of his brother. Enki’s core shattered into a million pieces that spread across Celatum with a sound that reached the farthest corners of the universe. Enraged and shaken enough to outstep his study composure, Enki clenched his legendary Warhammer and flung it at Xeher. Dismantling the fiery crown that once lay with pride atop the fire fundamental. As the flames blazed throughout Celatum, the once peaceful universe now looked like a scattered mess of unleashed fury and carnage, much like the aftermath of an exploding star.

At the same time, unbeknownst to the enraged fundamentals, the now fully- possessed Chittyx began to channel his wind that was overpowered by the same malevolent forces that controlled him, to drive all the pieces of Enki’s shattered heart together, forging them into a boulder the size of the sun. He then guided the flames from Xeher’s crown onto the now planet-shaped boulder through his mist. The Wind fundamental’s intentions were to fuse the two elements together and use his elemental wind to contain the fusion in a large concentrated space until it became an orb mighty enough to swallow the entirety of Celatum, perishing all the fundamentals along with it. Sulis, the Water fundamental, foresaw this unfortunate outcome and understood the sinister intentions of her possessed sibling. As soon as her clarity set in, she gathered her attention away from the war of her eldest brothers and onto Chittyx, who had by then nearly finished charging his orb of destruction. In an attempt at saving herself, her siblings and all of Celatum, Sulis focused the entirety of her energy in creating a tidal wave of elemental water, launching it towards the Orb and knocking Chittyx off from his channelling state.

The clarity of Sulis’ elemental waters snapped Chittyx out of his fit of madness. The Wind fundamental realized the destruction he had caused by falling prey to the sinister spirit. The sibling war he had created, the destructive Orb he was powering and the epochs of peace he had perished. He could not bear to face his now withering siblings, nor could he continue to exist bearing the burden of his wrongdoings. And so he plunged, towards the mighty Orb of his own creation, made from the fusion of the shattered remnants of Enki and Xeher. As he made his dive, he siphoned the sinister spirit to himself, the same one that turned him against his siblings — sealing it from breaking free and causing any more havoc. He dove with the speed of a falling star, the fastest site in Celatum and engulfed into the Orb merely seconds before the impact of Sulis’ tidal spirit. The self-ending dive destined Chittyx and the spirit to be destroyed by the might of the Orb. But as Sulis’ elemental tide began to cool down the orb, Chittyx merely perished, forcing himself to transform his elemental structure forming into a thick mist that is spread throughout the planet-sized Orb, still channelling his energy. The malevolent spirit that was forced to be part of this self-ending dive, shattered into a million selves, all of which were still attached to Chittyx’ wind, unable to escape the body that they once willingly decided to possess. Perhaps the mist was his final attempt at repentance, formed to curse the spirits with an eternity of being trapped within, able only to move through it, constantly seeking a way or a vessel to escape through the mist.

As Chittyx formed the mist that surrounded his former creation, Sulis’ elemental energy cooled it down and set the Orb, now fused with the elemental might of all the four fundamentals into a planet. As she made her final sacrifice, Sulis took a look around Celatum, her once peaceful home, and for the very first time saw the aftermath of the destruction that was caused. Enki and Xeher, in their unstoppable rage, had truly destroyed one another. With his sturdy heart no longer being the core of his existence, Enki began to wither, the strongest pieces of his physical structure now forming craters and mountains on the planet. And with his blazing crown now shattered, Xeher’s eternal flame finally extinguished, only to be seen on the fire that spewed on the newly formed planet. Sulis, herself, began to perish as the tidal wave required to cool the Orb of such great proportions was too mighty. It asked for too much of her elemental powers until she started to become part of the wave, herself. In the final moments of her former existence, she decided to name the planet that would serve as a reminder of her sibling’s former peaceful existence and of the betrayal that shook all of Celatum. The newly formed planet that was both, the cause and result of the war of the fundamentals. ‘Misteria’ claimed Sulis, the sound of her voice echoing throughout all of Celatum’s galaxies and across its sister universes. A signalling reminder of the eternal truth that all things living in harmony seldom stay that way, chaos is the only true nature of the universe.

That’s how the war of the fundamentals ended. Hope you liked the story. The lore doesn’t end here though. There’s a lot more to come!

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Looks like an awesome world xD

Can't wait! ♥️♥️♥️

I like these NFTs.

Thanks for the info 🖤🕊♥️