CryptoTags, What are they and why are they important?

in crypto •  6 years ago  (edited)



What exactly are CryptoTags and why are they important? Well, Lets start with what CryptoTags are ...
CryptoTags are are part of the Safe SeaFood Blockchain. Mining and Staking on the Safe SeaFood Blockchain creates $SSF coins. These coins in turn create Cryptotags. The creation of One (1) $SSF coin through mining or staking creates fifty (50) CryptoTags. CryptoTags can store up to 995 bytes of data and are stored on the Safe SeaFood Coin Blockchain. That means information required to be kept on file by regulators or government agencies now have a means for secure and tamper resistant storage while being easily accessible using the Safe SeaFood Coin wallet and explorer.
That leads us to ...
Why are CryptoTags Important?
Currently for a health department or any other agency that regulates food safety to investigate a case of food poisoning and verify a businesses Shellfish and Seafood Harvest Tag information they must physically go to the business in question and hope that business has kept the SSHT on file. Keeping the SSHT on file is currently required for 90 days however with budget cuts and a growing population government agencies are being stretched thin and inspectors and labs are taking longer to finish investigations of food related illnesses however using $SSF coin and CryptoTags that same information can be kept on the Safe SeaFood Blockchain indefinitely for a small transaction fee paid to miners/stakers and used to secure the network. At present there is no guarantee that a tags info was not tampered with and doctored so there is no real way to tell if your Clams or Oysters are as safe as you would like to assume they are. Using Safe SeaFood Coin can eliminate any fraud or tampering of SSHT information due to the information must match on the blockchain all the way through the supply chain, from Fishery or Hatchery all the way down to when that food is served to you and all the stops along the supply chain.
Restaurants, pubs, the hospitality industry and global Aquaculture are just a few of the industries that can benefit using the Safe SeaFood Coin Blockchain. Benefits of using CryptoTags include cost cutting due to loss of inventory due to lost ripped of removed SSHT's. Using the Safe SeaFood Blockchain business can keep information available to inspectors and government regulators and accessible from any computer terminal connected to the web.
While the purpose of building the Safe SeaFood Coin Blockchain was for the storage and retrieval of SSHT information, any business that must store, track or verify information can input that data onto the Safe SeaFood Coin Blockchain thereby insuring the data is secure, tamper resistant and available from any internet connected terminal with a browser.
For More Information of CryptoTags and the Safe SeaFood Blockchain please visit their website

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