What is happening with Genesis Mining? Cloud Mining

in crypto •  8 years ago 

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Our next day in the world of investment cryptowalut and unfortunately another day we fail, and it is only through Genesis Mining. One of the most reliable companies dealing with crypto mining in the cloud is probably a problem.

After a long break in hardfork payouts, the next day we have not received our paychecks. Fortunately, our investment is not something we could not do, but a little further to think. Last payment after 1st August was received on 2nd August.

Today is already seventh August and still silence. Of course we wrote an email to them, but they did not respond. I think they have a hard drive on their customer service. Having such a large portfolio of clients, they must have a fair amount of complaints and they probably are not as polite and cultural complaints as ours.

But still, we do not lose hope. Despite this silence, we continue to believe that everything will return to normal. But be very careful. This world is a big risk. Is it worth it? Tomorrow a little more about the risk because we are starting to invest in Bitconnect.

Crypto Investments

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Look like they catching up, just received three days payout yesterday

Right :) We got today two payouts. They makeing diferent payouts to all people...