The Bankster class understands that cryptocurrencies mean the end of their money conjuring scam

in crypto •  6 years ago 

The Babylonian magic that has been used on people throughout history, creating money out of thin air, with the compliance of supposedly sovereign governments, has been the main instrument in keeping the planet in a perpetual, generational state of debt slavery.

We, the people of the world, were not meant to be born into a lifetime of servitude to the bankster class. Yet this is where we find ourselves.

Crypto has now come into reality and the systems are going to be better protected from risk of loss and as security becomes hardened. The evolution of token development and interface refinement now make crypto viable as a primary currency. This means there is no longer any need for a central bank.

But all wars are bankers wars so......

So that means the bankster class is stepping up the pace at which the entirety of the world's resources can be secured, and the monopoly of the Rothschild central bank can be extended as long as possible. War, war and more war.

The key geopolitical spots on the planet from a resource management standpoint are boiling over with the bodies of dead, innocent victims. This will not stop anytime soon. Yemen will be cleared of all hostile life due to its position where the Red Sea meets the Gold of Aden. Syria is now a wounded lion being attacked from all sides by a pack of hyenas. Ukraine will soon bubble over as America has approved advanced weaponry for their assault against the Russia backed Eastern provinces.

Iran has announced it will no longer trade petrodollars. The Chinese PetroYuan is now trading.

The long predicted collapse of the dollar is at hand. many have long suggested that would occur. The question now is how much of the planet will the Empire take with it as it collapses under it's own weight?

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