Cryptocurrencies or digital assets are designed to function as a medium of exchange. Cryptocurrencies use cryptography to secure and verify transactions as well as to control the creation of new units of a particular cryptocurrency.
Basically, What krg is?👇👇
Description : KRG token is a profoundly unstable crypto resource upheld by a set up business: Karagandy Hotel and Office complex in Kazakhstan.
Wallet : If you don’t mind visit and continue to our webbased wallet for ERC-20 tokens.
Trade : KRG tokens must be exchanged on an outsider crypto trade (BTC-Alpha).
Token Economy : Future incomes from the inn business will be utilized for a staged buyback of KRG tokens, in this manner contracting the all-out inventory on KRG available for use and animating interest and worth.
KRG Tourism Investments.... 💥💥
Pre-sale price: 0.5 USD per 1 KRG. ICO price starts at 1 USD per 1 KRG.IEO will soon to start on Btc-alpha and
The direct contribution of the travel and tourism industry accounted for 5.6 percent of the total GDP of Kazakhstan in 2019. According to the official government strategy published in May 2019, the goal is to make it 8% by 2025.
An increase in the number of tourists is forecasted to reach 9 million (inbound tourists), and 8 million (domestic tourists).
Tourism investments
Over the past decade (2009 - 2019), the average annual investment growth in tourism and entertainment enterprises amounted to 10%, and according to the results of 2019, the increase in capital investment reached 46.2% per year. By the end of 2019 direct tourism investments amounted to 153.7 billion Tenge (approximately 368 million USD), thereby breaking the record level in the history of Kazakhstan. Government funds accounted for 40.2% of the total investment amount, 46.2% accounted for equity, and 13.6% were borrowed funds and bank loans.
Investment climate
Kazakhstan aims to become the Eurasian Economic Union’s investment center.
The KRG token is a real estate backed cryptocurrency
adeprayoga097 (3)in #krg • 27 days ago
Hello everyone ... I am here to inform you by writing a review to introduce a very unique new project called KRG, so for that, have a look at the article I created below to give you a very good overview of the project, then Benefits what do they give everyone? Let's just go straight to the discussion below.
Karagandy Hotel & Office complex
Karagandy Hotel & Office complex is a commercial real estate with 5 floors and a total area of 10,000 sq.m. The 1st and 2nd floors are rented out as retail and office premises, while 3-5 floors are occupied by hotel rooms of mixed type. Karagandy is a three-star hotel in the city centre and is considered economy class, which along with easy transport connections gives an edge in terms of customer flow.
Tourism potential in Kazakhstan
The direct contribution of the travel and tourism industry accounted for 5.6 percent of the total GDP of Kazakhstan in 2019. According to the official government strategy published in May 2019, the goal is to make it 8% by 2025.
An increase in the number of tourists is forecasted to reach 9 million (inbound tourists), and 8 million (domestic tourists).
Tourism investments
Over the past decade (2009 - 2019), the average annual investment growth in tourism and entertainment enterprises amounted to 10%, and according to the results of 2019, the increase in capital investment reached 46.2% per year. By the end of 2019 direct tourism investments amounted to 153.7 billion Tenge (approximately 368 million USD), thereby breaking the record level in the history of Kazakhstan. Government funds accounted for 40.2% of the total investment amount, 46.2% accounted for equity, and 13.6% were borrowed funds and bank loans.
Investment climate in Kazakhstan
The Central Asian nation of Kazakhstan seeks to profit from its geographical location and become the “New Silk Road” linking China and Europe through Central Asia and Russia. Kazakhstan aims to become the Eurasian Economic Union’s investment center.
In the Doing Business 2020 rating from the World Bank, Kazakhstan ranked 25th among 190 countries (in 2019 - 28th, in 2018 - 36th). The country is in the TOP-10 of the world countries in such indicators as compliance with contracts and protection of the rights of minority investors. Over the past decade, the national economy received $250.2 billion, or about 80% of all foreign direct investment flows over the years of independence ($ 320 billion). This trend is an eloquent evidence of investment policy efficiency.
Token Specifications💵💵
Ticker: KRG
Total Supply:10,000,000 KRG
IEO Pre-sale: till 1.09.2020
IEO (BTC-Alpha):1.09.2020
Pre-sale price: 0.5 USD per 1 KRG
Description: KRG token is a highly volatile crypto asset backed by
an established business: Karagandy Hotel & Office
complex in Kazakhstan.
Wallet: Please visit and proceed to our webbased wallet for ERC-20 tokens.
Trade:KRG tokens can only be traded on a third party crypto exchange (BTC-Alpha).
Token economy: Future revenue from the hotel business will be used for the repurchase of KRG tokens gradually, thereby shrinking the total circulating KRG supply and driving demand and value.
Tokens are sold on crypto exchanges:
For more information, see the link below:
White Paper:
Author: Rvsingla11