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This makes a lot of sense, and there are two quotes that reflect the message well.

"A rising tide lifts all boats."
With more attention coming through, first with Bitcoin and now Ripple, there will be more curious minds becoming aware of the crypto space and diving into this rabbit hole.

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”
I truly believe if you want have a revolution, the best way is to build the new and not waste energy on tearing down the old. The reality is, if your creation is TRULY better in delivering value, then people will gravitate towards it.

Here's mine😀, No matter the shape of the stone thrown, it sends ripples in all directions.


and as well... a "ripple" is still infinitesimally small in comparison with the larger tsunami that is crypto as a whole...

Hmmm, nice one


Thanks for this article . Some much needed clarity on the issue which has just exploded these last few days.


Nice post it’s true once you realize there are three coins ( ripple, btc, Eth) it makes you want to look at who could be the next to emerge. I think this alt coin boom is a result of hedge funds entering the space. Hard to charge 2 and 20 hodling bitcoin.

Not bullish on the bankers coin! Not sure I agree. I would still want some exposure there. :-)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

good luck when they freeze you out of your account.

Inb4 conspiracy

Maybe you’ll learn why they say be your own bank, but I think most people prefer being corporate servants rather than free individuals.

It was very interesting post about Ripple. You have taken a great effort.

15 cents not long ago crypto is crazy

I really don't know enough to add to this, but I DO like your common sense approach to this subject, without the hysteria!

Happy new year BTW!

same to you. ;-)

I don't agree with this

And meanwhile, we'd be wise to set an example of a maturing outlook on the space as a whole and get rid of the attitude that it's a war between the bankers and crypto-heads.

Great write any. But unlike peace, it only take one party to create a war and trust me the banks are afriad of cryptos...and they should.The attack from the banking system has just been to blatant to ignore

It can actually hurt the development of the crypto space if people get too idealogical. Ripple can be a bridge to a more ideal situation but for now, it's a finished product that actually works for the needs of the banks while others don't (except steem? maybe) Regardless, if they invest in ripple and transfer some wealth to themselves while it goes up and then use the gains to build tech that works without needing the banks. Who cares about ripple and banks then lol

exactly. :-)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Not sure if I got your point right...
Is it your opinion that Mr Rothschild and Co will stand idle and watch in horror as all their money and power gets taken over by the goyim?
Without infiltrating, corrupting and eventually taking over something which will be a threat to their system?
Or might it be more likely that they right now observe how people happily accept a system which they ultimately wanted in the first place?
I am just asking, not making any statements...

And while judgemental thinking of something like Ripple being in opposition to the aims of this revolution could lead some to miss the bigger picture, it's recent success is not just a win for "the bankers" or those who bought XRP before it's explosion - it's a win for all of us. Even if not directly and immediately.

This makes me think of XLM right now, exploding after XRP explodes.

Well put together @rok-sivante. Interesting read but there will always be conspiracy theories around these things. It is fascinating how human minds work.

@rok-sivante thank you for this great post

So many in the crypto community are against ripple for the facts that you outline yet this quote rings true for me

Of course, conspiracy theorists would argue this point.

Primarily, because many are morons whose cognitive biases overrule reason and logic.

And surprisingly, many have difficulty distinguishing objective realities from contrived paranoia-fuelled storyline.

Conspiracy theories unfortunately saturate the crypto world. XRP is a coin like all others. If nothing else the recent increase in price shows that many share our opinions despite the constant hating coming from some quarters.

06164e5499445c9d3614c6608ac489da17b3696357ce076685142db1b26f4f5a haters.jpg

thanks for the post. I enjoyed the read. the bigger cryptocurrencies get, the more you will see in the news.

I enjoyed your post. It is all speculative Its fun to own a few and watch the market. Its all about freedom to me. If I can surf as much as I want to and spend time with the people I care about I am rich! Hey wait I am doing that now!

I agree with you.

However could I invite you to consider that being so abusive towards people who believe something different to yourself won't help you reason out an argument.

If we're all in the same team, then we all want to be respected by each other mutually.

But thank you for posting this, and to emphasise, I agree with you about the lack of conspiracy.

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Ah dammit, one of my favorite conspiracy theories debunked by a (72) guy.

Damn you! :D

I don't really see your argument here... you just say trust me - and then insult everyone who might disagree with you. You think that the international bankers are just fine with a form of currency popping out of the blue that completely cuts them out of the picture? What, even anecdotal, evidence is there for supporting this idea? In what reality would bankers and financial institutions not be doing everything in their power to get this situation back in their own control?

Post updated:

Trust me (or not - your choice)

Agreement or disagreement with me is irrelevant - and I spent enough time and energy wasted destructively spreading misinformation to not call B.S. out directly. Sure, compassion may have a time and place - though cognitive biases can be pretty fucking dangerous when unchecked. I should have been insulted for much of the ridiculous extremist conspiracy theory crap I propagated during my foolish years, and while an insult may not seem “nice” or “positive” to the weak-skinned, there is often a hidden opportunity in the negative charge - be it a challenge to question the extent to which one may be wrong about their beliefs, or otherwise.

If you’re expecting anecdotal evidence ‘in support of an argument’, you may have misunderstood the context of this article. Or maybe the sensationalistic headline may have been somewhat misleading if not looking beyond the surface and getting hung up on whatever point triggered the defensiveness.

Answers to your questions:

  1. It doesn’t cut them out of the picture. i.e. what percentage of world banking is still conducted via banks versus crypto? Could, in time, though rather idealistic and unrealistic in consideration of the scope and scale of the existing networks supporting the global economy.

  2. There are 7 billion different objective realities occurring simultaneously on this planet - some of them, for numerous reasons that go beyond the scope of a comment thread.

I’m not going to run around and state theory like truth but I think this kind of theory makes a lot of sense when coming from the “if I were a banker, what would I do?” Standpoint. Still I will be the first to admit that the evidence for such a claim is weak.

What do you think the bankers are doing? They most certainly aren’t sitting on their hands unaware of the paradigm shift or running around in a panic as many others would assume.

They may have not created ripple, but they may use it as a vehicle to create a standard for crypto, much of which could cause lots of problem solving for other coins.

Nice post. The power of storytelling is incredible.

Moral of the story?
Be smart.

Yea, and always do your own research! :D
