CRYPTO: What you Need to Know
Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies that are not backed by any government. They use cryptography to secure financial transactions and control the creation of new currency units. We live in a time where cryptocurrencies have become very popular. They offer something different from your traditional investment options and can provide high returns. Cryptocurrency trading is not for everyone, however, it does provide an alternative investment opportunity for those who want to take a chance on the future of money. Here are 3 cryptocurrency investments worth considering.
An Introduction to Cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrency is a type of digital currency that is not backed by any government. It uses cryptography to secure financial transactions and control the creation of new units. These currencies are released with time limits, which helps keep their value up.
Bitcoin (BTC)
Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency, and it remains one of the most popular in terms of volume and market cap. This is a very established cryptocurrency with a growing number of merchants who accept it as payment.
Ethereum (ETH)
Ethereum has had an incredible year in 2017. Its returns have been 2,700% this year alone! Ethereum provides an excellent way for companies to work with blockchain technology, which has various other applications outside of cryptocurrencies, such as smart contracts.
Ripple (XRP)
Ripple offers many benefits over Bitcoin and Ethereum as there are no mining problems or transaction fees associated with its system. Ripple also has a strong focus on partnering with banks and other financial institutions worldwide for cross-border payments.
3 Cryptocurrencies To Consider Investing In
Bitcoin: Bitcoin is the largest and most well-known cryptocurrency. It has a market capitalization of $115 billion, which is more than double that of any other cryptocurrency. Bitcoin was one of the first cryptocurrencies ever created and it has the highest number of units in circulation at 16.7 million. Bitcoin’s price is determined by demand for bitcoins to use as a medium of exchange or store value.
Litecoin is often referred to as “silver to bitcoin’s gold,” because its purpose is similar to that of bitcoin - store value and provide infrastructure for transactions. Litecoins supply limit is 84 million coins and it has a market cap of $4,672,100,000 with a price per coin of $73 so far this year.
Ethereum: Ethereum offers an alternative blockchain protocol to bitcoin with some notable differences. One key difference between Ethereum and other crypto currencies on the market is that Ethereum can process transactions faster on its network than bitcoin. Ethereum also provides an opportunity for people without computer coding experience to build applications on blockchain technology without learning how to program, opening up new opportunities for how we work and live in the future.
So, what is cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security. A cryptocurrency is difficult to counterfeit because of this security feature. A defining feature of a cryptocurrency, and arguably its most endearing allure, is its organic nature; it is not issued by any central authority, rendering it theoretically immune to government interference or manipulation.
Cryptocurrencies use decentralized control as opposed to centralized electronic money and central banking systems. The decentralized control of each cryptocurrency works through distributed ledger technology, typically a blockchain, that serves as a public financial transaction database.
Cryptocurrency relies on the creation of new units of currency at a rate that resembles the rate at which commodities like gold are mined from the ground. The creation rate is limited as to not exceed a certain quantity of units in order to maintain value and stabilize prices.
- Cryptocurrency has been making headlines in recent years with its ever-increasing value.
- Investing in cryptocurrency can help you reach your long-term financial goals, but there are certain things you need to know before jumping in with both feet.
- Here are three cryptocurrencies you might want to invest in right now: Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin
hat is Cryptocurrency? An easy-to-understand guide Blockchain or fintech proceed to with features extending from individuals getting to be tycoons overnight to conclusion pieces approximately how businesses see money-related transactions.
1 Regularly seen as an unstable showcase for venture, it is still pulling in a tall volume of intrigued with Coinbase announcing that 70,000 to 100,000 unused crypto exchanging accounts are being opened day by day on their What is Cryptocurrency? An easy-to-understand guide Blockchain or fintech proceed to form news with features extending from individuals getting to be tycoons overnight to conclusion pieces approximately how businesses see money-related transactions.
2 In any case, in show disdain toward so much press, due to the technical nature of the subject, there's frequently a reasonable sum of vulnerability around cryptocurrency. As US Congressperson Thomas Carper said, “Virtual monetary standards, maybe most outstandingly Bitcoin, have captured the creative energy of a few, struck fear among others, and befuddled the hell out of the rest of us.