Illegal Prime Number

in crypto •  7 years ago 

Illegal math in this country?

Now a lot of sites say you can go to jail for just knowing this number, writing down this number, sharing this number and even considers it a weapon.



Thanks to the 9th Circuit Appellate Division Court for rulling that code was a form of expression protected under the First Amendment — “Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech.”

YAY! Now the first illegal prime number used in crypto encryption is on the block chain forever.

8565078965 7397829309 8418946942 8613770744 2087351357 9240196520 7366869851 3401047237 4469687974 3992611751 0973777701 0274475280 4905883138 4037549709 9879096539 5522701171 2157025974 6669932402 2683459661 9606034851 7424977358 4685188556 7457025712 5474999648 2194184655 7100841190 8625971694 7970799152 0048667099 7592359606 1320725973 7979936188 6063169144 7358830024 5336972781 8139147979 5551339994 9394882899 8469178361 0018259789 0103160196 1835034344 8956870538 4520853804 5842415654 8248893338 0474758711 2833959896 8522325446 0840897111 9771276941 2079586244 0547161321 0050064598 2017696177 1809478113 6220027234 4827224932 3259547234 6880029277 7649790614 8129840428 3457201463 4896854716 9082354737 8356619721 8622496943 1622716663 9390554302 4156473292 4855248991 2257394665 4862714048 2117138124 3882177176 0298412552 4464744505 5834628144 8833563190 2725319590 4392838737 6407391689 1257924055 0156208897 8716337599 9107887084 9081590975 4801928576 8451988596 3053238234 9055809203 2999603234 4711407760 1984716353 1161713078 5760848622 3637028357 0104961259 5681846785 9653331007 7017991614 6744725492 7283348691 6000647585 9174627812 1269007351 8309241530 1063028932 9566584366 2000800476 7789679843 8209079761 9859493646 3093805863 3672146969 5975027968 7712057249 9666698056 1453382074 1203159337 7030994915 2746918356 5937621022 2006812679 8273445760 9380203044 7912277498 0917955938 3871210005 8876668925 8448700470 7725524970 6044465212 7130404321 1826101035 9118647666 2963858495 0874484973 7347686142 0880529443

Damn it feels good to freely express myself!

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I find silly that only "knowing" a number as illegal? Would not that stop the progress of our understanding pr numbers only because they don't want people pirating bob sponge movie? But yeah dvd are mostly dead so what it is the point? Humans laws somethings are so silly.

I agree, it seems like a waste of time and enegery to try to stop people from a number.
Its making me wonder what word be more of a pay off, hashing crypto for small amounts of coins or hashing primes trying to compute the next large prime number to sell to an ecryption company.
Its something like 250k for a new prime number.

Hahaha yeah I read somewhere people buy new prime number for 200k but, think what would happen if all the miners were to try getting prime numbers, a company which goal is to sells prime numbers only, it would me illegal to "steal" those numbers unless you calculate it yourself? How then can you steal a number?

I think once you sell the number you have to forget it.
New discovered prime numbers get labled by the person that descovers it but i think once you sell it the buyer owns it.
The idea of someone owning a number seems insane to me.
I want to own the numbers 0 and 1.

What is stopping you for selling that number over and over again?, nobody knows the number anyway, as knowing the number is owning it.

What if two companies sell the same number to two different clients? Or they are forced to register the number as their own?

Which come back to owning a number, so if I said a number no matter is prime o no and I said it is mine then what?

If people can own numbers, can they own colors too?

They can own what ever they want by this point, after all bitcoins are just numbers just the same?

I guess they are.
Its a weird idea still to me.

Isn't that a great pretense for arresting anyone that can count?
Prime numbers: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23...........

Yeah, mathmatical savants are under threat.

Be careful posting thoes primes, 23 might be north koreas nuke code encryption.
Im guessing its more like a 2 though.

At first I thought it was a joke title, but it's not a joke, it's authentic, I look for it and yes there are numbers that are secret of the state , WTF

You have to see that the dinosaurs that exist in certain governments are exactly that dinosaurs, the fact of preventing a number from being known does not make it disappear.

sigh sometimes you think you've seen everything and read things like this

Well done @skeptic now they can not hide it anymore

I was blown away when i learned about it too.
Makes me wonder what the next prime number is and what its used for encrypting.

Great, now I gotta watch out for that,...

I need a design for the new club, @antisocialists.
Something about being antisocial would work.
I would prefer a signed work, but that is up to you.

Oh, and feel free to come in and browse around.
I'm a little short on content, for now.
I hope to be reposting some of you there.
I'll be giving out the posting key, and liquid rewards, to folks that want to contribute to it, too.
Guest hosts, if you will.

LOL KNowing a number is a crime.

After i get my replies and stuff done ill try to remember to make something. Is it a logo or a banner you are looking for? or both?

Well, I need to develop a signature, so a banner for that, and a profile pic for the group.
No hurries.

should have them done today.

Ok, you will email them?

Sure i can, you will have to send me another email as i didnt save your address.
Also you want the signature to be antisocial or antisocialists? there are so many differnt spellings on the post it confused the hell outa me.

Lol, ok, we are antisocialists.
The 'u' denotes derision.

The signature should be to take credit for your work, if you like.

Some thing expressing solidarity with all outsiders is what we are generally looking for.
Something with our username, @antisocialists in it, for sure.

Gifs are fine, if we can get them to work.
Is there a trick?

The profile pick we have now would suffice, but it isn't 'ours'.
If you want to take more time and send more than one example, we would be glad to use the ones we love.

I'll send an email, shortly.


I made one but it wasent animated and the idea of differnt background colors is messing with me.
There is no way to know is someone is in night mode or not so it kind of makes using white or black impossible.
I found your old email so im sending the 2 picts, one white and one black and also a gif of the 2. i was thinking that way it will show up no matter of the background.
Its all saved so let me know what you think and what needs changing.
also if you want it in a color insted of b&l ect.


Yes, add an s, we are plural.
Iprobably should grab that

ok ill add it to the ones i made already and ill be sure to keep it spelled right.

180121235805 ef2yqwoab0zggtzoqkekx3ms

new signature.
Ill email it to you too

Great dude now I have the nuclear missile launch codes of north korea, let's make some noise.

Thats a dvd encryption code, i think north korea nukes are prolly on a prime number like 2.

I think I'll use it for my personal password.

That might be one of the best replies i have gotten about it.
I want it for my screen name.

you shared the most sensitive information be ready for counting bars. just kidding :P lol

I dont think its an issue anymore as its the encoding for dvd's.
i dont think people even buy dvd's anymore.

I was just expressing my dilike for a goverment making a number illegal so im covered.

In jail for a number would suck.

Damn I don’t think my TI82 calculator can figure out that number! Lol 👍🏼🍺🥓

Does that calculator find prime numbers?
the only reason the number holds a status is they use prime numbers for encryption and companys are even paying huge money for new prime numbers.

Its the prime number that encrypts dvd's, at one time the goverment actually cared about encrption so they considered it a crime to know of the new prime numbers but now they seem to be more about breaking encryption then making it better.
pluss no one cares about dvd's when you can download or stream the movie quicker then the time it takes to look through a bunch of dvd's to pick something out to watch.

lol !! I couldn't verify but I've seen whether the last number is even or odd ;)

If i find out its wrong ill have to search more online for a correct one.