History of money
Money we all love it and we can't get enough of it. It has built empires and destroyed empires. We believe in it so strongly that our world is built on money from the days of bartering, to paper money, to electronic cash and now crypto-currencies. I happened to visit the Shanghai Museum and came across their history of money.
Money has always evolved where metals and coins were used to ease the exchange of goods and services. We humans have always been creative and where bartering couldn't ease the transactions the Coin was introduced.
In China experimentation of money can we seen from 221 BC as seen from the picture below
These metal taels is but one form of experimenting with money. Can you imagine your wallet full of these metal dagger like coins. Imagine taking money on a overseas trip, you would definitely be on the excess baggage side of things. But from there money has strunk from big chunky metals like the above to paper money.

All the way to electronic money where your card is link to an account and you're able to spend money from that account. Now all wallets are digital, they exist on our phones and our bank account can now be attributed an App and in some cases (Cold Storage) paper and usb drives. We physically cannot touch crypto, we know its there but unlike our most recent history we always had something tactile such as paper and now plastic credit cards.
Some Wisdom
We have to remember we are creatures of senses. Smell, Touch, Taste, Vision and hearing if we can't have something physical, its a mindf**k. Yet if you look at our history of money, a chunk of metal that doesn't do anything is worth something. For the first time we as a species are saying digital code is worth something. We are evolving as a species and that makes me excited. We are crafting new worlds of code into the physical and that is going to create something interesting.
But here's another mindf**k, if we can transfer our belief of physical money to digital money then what is money? Money becomes a non-thing it is a belief and here's the thing about belief, you can change it anytime. That is why we have the telegram messages of "Lambo Now", we need that physical touch of something we bought to have the sense of wealth. But we have to remember what I believe is Satoshi Nakamoto real vision and that is freedom of our minds.
Free Your Mind
Sure, Bitcoin can make you rich beyond your dreams and probably one of these will Altcoins should moon at some stage but remember this is all a play of human activities. Free your mind and realize you choose what you believe. Once you can shift your perception your inner world will be finally free. And once your inner world is free then your outer world will be free. Maybe that's what Satoshi wanted us to realize we can make a better world for humanity by freeing the shackles of our mind and that we can be better and we will be better.
Stay safe crypto fans and enjoy the game signing off from Shanghai