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Swapcoin is an exciting new coin, which these days quietly launches a community based crypto-currency exchange.
Sign up for their new exchange at
SWAP is also mined at GpuHot mining pool.
Asic resistant, GPU-favourable and yet high block rewards of 10 SWAP make this a good coin to mine now while the exchange is still in early beta. SWAP is also a masternode coin, but it's collateral of 50,000 coins may be much for the average small miner. Shared masternodes are an option here. Keep blockchains decentralized - mine small pools! β¨οΈ Block explorer: β¨οΈ Coin Channel: π π
Come over to GpuHot and fire up your miner with following command:
-a neoscrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u abTwxnaec5r3txTh3qkBpgwWbNF4oY9dUy -p c=SWAP
(replace pool wallet with your own)
No login - Hourly payouts - Low fee