WAVES Weekly No. 3

in crypto •  9 years ago  (edited)

Public Full Node Release Candidate

The start of this week sees the launch of the public full node release candidate on testnet. The code will be rigorously tested before it is released on mainnet. Latest code can be found here, and we welcome feedback from anyone who wants to help with the process of ensuring the Waves network remains secure and stable. Bounties will be available for anyone who can produce a replicable bug and will be announced in a short time.

Full Nodes on Testnet: Configuration

You can find information on how to configure your Waves node for testnet at https://github.com/wavesplatform/Waves/wiki/How-to-configure-Waves-node. If you need more information, you can ask on our Slack channel #testnet-maintainers. Bugs should be reported on our forum at https://wavestalk.org/technical-discussion/.

Tokens Specification

The specification for Waves’ asset exchange and tokens system has now been published ongithub. Waves’ tokens protocol includes asset-to-asset trading at the core level, as well as centralised order-matching – enabling the speed of a crypto traditional exchange but with trades executed on a peer-to-peer level. A separate update providing details for implementation of custom tokens will be provided in due course.

Lite Client Updates

In other news, we are making several minor alterations to the lite client to make it more user-friendly. These include some styling and the addition of a dialogue box after a SEND transaction has been initiated, confirming recipient and amount. We will also add a variable fee option.

As things stand the overwhelming priority is to roll out full nodes and enable a stable, secure public network. Consequently the next round of major changes to the UI will occur after that critical update is complete.

You can always find the latest version of the client at https://wavesplatform.com/.


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