June 21st CryptoThoughts

in crypto •  8 years ago 

Wow lots of news, guess segwit2x is giving a ton of confidence for BTC. I bought quite a bit of LTC, before it's last pop to hedge all the uncertainty with BTC regarding the UASF/UAHF/Bip148 drama. I guess that is dying off and BTCC strengthening, which would mean the hedge isn't as solid of move, but I still like the play until all the changes are live. Today for LTC, there was also some MIT countdown, which could be big(or fake http://litecoin.mit.edu/). So that's exciting, that may make news, which could bring more LTC volume, aside all the pros, I still don't even have a problem holding more ltc, the technology is good and the presence in china is big. If you check out (https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/litecoin/#markets) you can get an idea of just how big LTC is in Asia.

Also today, one of my favorite new to me coins has popped, DCR, Decred. I was kinda annoyed it popped, because I don't have my ideal position filled yet. I'm still in the accumulation/learning phase, but from what I can tell DCR is dope af, they have a great youtube show with an awesome community. I'm a slack member (joined this week) and am very bullish towards them, I plan on increasing my position 4-10x with them. So yea the jump today was pretty frustrating for me tbh. The thing about Decred is they just, give that passionate grassroots movement vibe. Here see what I mean:

Late gotta go..... Other coins, I'm learning about are QRL + Shift. It's getting late, ( Bought some ANS, Zen bid hasn't filled, been accumulating cheap Zec) Hopefully I can pick up some more ETC/DCR/STR in next few days, might have to convert over some more fiat! (never a bad thing)

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