We live in an age of unprecedented human connectivity. Technology interrupts us, unites us, relays news, brings us closer to friends and family. In the midst of all this is ferocious competition for attention.
No doubt, if you have been on Steemit for more than a few days you feel lost in a sea of blog posts, and if you are not fortunate enough to be famous, have a rich uncle or whale as your benefactor, you will be just another blip on a vast screen that forever rolls on and on and on. Even writing brilliant prose worthy of immortalization as a literary classic will be passed by unnoticed, destined to be lost in the eternal ignominy of obscurity that is an immutable blockchain.
It's all about the Attention Economy and your role in it!
Now picture a reality where your efforts have value. A world where every article you read means something. Every video you watch provides value that adds more and more value to a quickly accumulating account created by your attention.
Here is the rub. As content has grown increasingly abundant and immediately available, attention becomes the limiting factor in the consumption of information. It does no good to compose a song, write a play or create a video or any other content if it does not get brought to someone's attention. CryptoLiveLeaks capitalizes on your attention by providing financial reward for your normal online activity. In a sense, you are minting CLL Tokens for yourself by earning points for many different actions. One CLL Token (ERC-20) is worth 100 CLL Points.
Here are some of the activities we are talking about and the number of CLL points awarded:
50 CLL Points for Publishing Posts (No Limit)
50 CLL Points for New Profile Avatar Upload (No Limit)
50 CLL Points for New Profile Cover Upload (No Limit)
25 CLL Points for New Friendships (No Limit)
10 CLL Points per Referral Visitor (No Limit)
10 CLL Points for Daily Visits
10 CLL Points for Viewing Content (Content Author and Member)
10 CLL Points for Viewing Pages (Content Author and Member)
10 CLL Points for Viewing Forums (Content Author and Member)
10 CLL Points for Viewing Topics (Content Author and Member)
10 CLL Points for Viewing Replies (Content Author and Member)
10 CLL Points for Viewing Products (Content Author and Member)
10 CLL Points for Logins (No Limit)
10 CLL Points for Publishing Pages (No Limit)
10 CLL Points for Publishing Products (No Limit)
10 CLL Points per Comment (Content Author or Member) (No Limit)
10 CLL Points for Clicking Links (No Limit)
10 CLL Points for every 15 Second Interval of Video Watched (No Limit)
10 CLL Points for Creating a New Forum (No Limit)
10 CLL Points for Creating a New Topic (No Limit)
10 CLL Points for New Profile Activity (No Limit)
10 CLL Points for New Private Message (No Limit)
10 CLL Points for Sending Gift (No Limit)
10 CLL Point for New Group Avatar Upload (No Limit)
10 CLL Point for New Group Cover Upload (No Limit)
10 CLL Point for New Forum Topic (No Limit)
10 CLL Point for New Forum Post (No Limit)
10 CLL Point for Joining Groups (No Limit)
10 CLL Point for New Group Comments (No Limit)
5 CLL Points for Adding Topic to Favorites (No Limit)
Stop begging for handouts and relying on the kindness of strangers for your sustenance. Start earning CLL Tokens by personal strength of character and through the integrity and dignity of honest work - today!
Here is the link: https://www.cryptoliveleak.org/?mref=transhuman
†As you are probably aware, the crypto world is in its infancy and opportunity abounds for those who can see great possibilities and take action. One classic example is BitCoin where visionaries acquired it for pennies and held on till it's value mushroomed into the 1000s of dollars. A guiding principle in crypto investing is whether the crypto actually does something and not just make promises about a utopian future. CLL is a going concern and you can start mining the Attention Economy right now. To be straight up, it is not a finished product and there is a long way to go, but that is what I like about it. It's the Wild West with room to move and grow with a working solution to today's Attention Economy.