ICO Update June 6, 2017

in crypto •  8 years ago 


Ongoing Initial Coin Offerings – ICO Update June 6, 2017

 Monaco ICO Update

The Monaco ICO continues on a slow but steady pace. They are approaching their next price increase at 49,000 ETH contributr=ed as the are around 49,000 ETH. With about 12 dys left is it getting harder to seee them reachibg their soft-cap of 150,000.Raised: 39300.50 ETH
Issued: 5518409.01431826 MCO
Participants: 3721Read More on the Monaco ICO here.
To follow the progress of the ICO click here: https://mona.co/tokensale.html

 Wagerr ICO Update

As mentioned in our last update, Waferr blew the first 10 rounds of funding and is currently in round 12.TOTAL SOLD: 100,095,998
3,114 Participants / 6,973 RegisteredTo see more about Wagerr and their ICO click here.
To follow the progress of the ICO click here http://www.wagerr.com/ico


As of now, they have raised around 2.2 million towards their 9.5 million goal.  The ICO ends on June 29, and we shall see if their sale picks up momentum in the coming weeks.To read more on DCORP click here.
To follow the progress of the ICO click here https://www.dcorp.it/crowdsale

 Sphre (Air) XID Token ICO Update

On June 2, the Sphre team tweeted “Wow! So far we’ve raised over 1188 BTC from 372 participants in the AIR token crowdsale. Thank you for your support! If you’d like to contribute, there’s still time to take advantage of our 10 percent discount:” The crowdsk=le moves along with a total of:
595TransactionsThis is only about 33% of their goal, but they still have time,To read more about Sphre click here.
To follow the progress of the ICO click here https://tokeninvestor.com/crowdfunding/air

 Aeternity 2nd Round ICO Update

Aeternity’s second round ICO looks to be going well.  They have already raised around 17,500,500 CHF towards their goal of 21,000,000.  With almost 6 days left, it looks like they should achieve their goal.To read more about Aeternity click here.
To follow the crowdsale click here: https://wallet.aeternity.com/

 ZrCoin ICO Update

The ZrCoin ICO ends on June 9th and they have been crawling along lately in their crowdsale effort.  They have had success, raising enough for their first plant. They are still 1.5 million away from the 7 million needed to open their second plant.  They have had a push in the last day, and ir=t may be achievable.To read more on ZrCoin click here.
To follow the crowdsale click here:https://zrcoin.io/

 Giga Watt ICO Update

The Giga Watt ICO has only recently begun and there is still over 50 days remaining.  They have a goal of 30 million dollars and have raised around 7 million so far.  We will have to see how it goes and if the community believes in their mining solution.To read more on Giga Watt click here.
To follow the crowdsale click here

 For a complete list click the below:


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I don't want to do many ico but wagerr is interesting. What do U think? Boom or bust ?

I think it has real potential. Huge market.

Yeah I bought some. It will be the only ico I enter. But let the dice roll!