RE: The One Word Meme That's Pushing Crypto Forward

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The One Word Meme That's Pushing Crypto Forward

in crypto •  7 years ago 

Yes Bitcoin has issues for sure.

Being the first its the one which is most adopted, so all the shortcomings of the come to light first in Bitcoin. The developers need to handle the shortcomings whether they will be able to do it or not is another thing.

Few negatives I found with the Bitcoin maximalist is

  1. Someone like Tone Vays is constanly degrading other projects (Litecoin,Monero etc) saying how they wont work. For sure they are doing a better and more constructive job than what Tone does with his charts.
  2. The other narrative put forward is the Bitcoin developers are the best and all the other ones are no good. I agree Bitcoin has the best developers but its current problems with fees and transaction time wont be solved anytime soon.
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