How WULET will solve the problem of all loyalty programs.

in crypto •  7 years ago 

2E4096F2-07F7-474D-9D6E-88E30A3143DB.jpegThe problem of all loyalty programs is:

• the market value of loyalty points exceeds hundreds billions.
• the amount of expired unredeemed points exceeds $100bn only in North America (can you imagine how things are in Asia/Europe?)
• the majority of loyalty programs are inefficient
• the programs are not compatible with each other

WULET, blockchain ecosystem allows to:

• benefit from entering «blue ocean» market of tradable loyalty points

• breathe new life into «tired» concept of loyalty programs and increase ROI

• receive data, that will allow to adjust loyalty programs strategy

• win and retain new customers on principles of personalisation, relevance and exclusivity

• implement crypto cashback among other customer reward strategies

• engage clients through different channels

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