love relationships and repeated

in cryptoacademy •  4 years ago  (edited)

The relationship between Aceh and Gayo is like renggali and repeated flowers, that's what DR Yusra Habib Abdul Ghani, Acehnese intellectual Gayo, who is now having a relationship in Denmark, in the media Serambi Indonesia last February 2008. According to Russel and AH Hil experts, the Gayo ethnic group is a native of Samudra Pasai who fled to the upstream of the Peusangan river because they did not want to convert to Islam (Russell Jones 1999 and Hill 1960) Starting from Syeh Ismail from Mecca coming to Samudera Pasai and Islamizing Meurak Silu (the name of King Malikussaleh before being converted to Islam), the Syeh asked Meutak Silu to collect ule balang and the people of Samudra Pasai to embrace Islam, so he also embraced Islam, Tu Seri kaya ali ghiyahuddin and Tu baba kaya syeih semayamuddin, while some people who do not want to embrace Islam fled to the upstream peusangan and are now known as Gayo. it is a claxic historical record, but the validity of this story must also be examined in a comparative way.

in the history of the Malay tribe, it is stated that the Gayo tribe originated from Old Malay, namely the first ethnic group to inhabit the land of Aceh. This is proven by an articologist in the village of Mandale, who is believed that since 3000 years ago there has been a civilization in Gayo land. The role of the Gayo Tribe in building Aceh work and developing the Islamic religion is very large, no wonder in Acehnese historical records often encountered meurah titles which mean king, in Gayo language such as meurah silu meurah sinabung etc., they are the children of the linge king who became kings on the east and west coast of Aceh.

Even Meurah Johan Putra Adi Geunali Tengku Kawe Tupat from Linge's job was the founder of the city of Banda Aceh (History of Banda Aceh City 1988) Meurah Johan was the first sultan of Aceh after defeating the work of ancient Hindu senses, with his teacher Tuan Syeih Abddullah right and became the king of Aceh / Ramadhan in 601-631 H or 1205-1234 AD with the title Sultan Alaidin Johansyah (A Hasyimi 1976)

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