DISCONNECT new free crypto artwork (unfinished)

in cryptoart •  7 years ago  (edited)


I worked so hard on this painting, both me and my computer broke down :))
It is a digital painting where I tried to adapt the tool to my style completely and express as much as I could in it.
How did I, or my comp brake down?
Simple, the full painting is big, 14863px/17235px (300dpi),both my eyes and my laptop tired working on it , here you can see only a quarter of the full size painting , because that is how much of it I had almost finished and will give for free with Creative Commons.
The final full version will not be free, I am trying to learn from the dada project and coin artist’s project and come up with a solution to sell parts of this painting (and future digital paintings) in my own way.
I don’t know exactly how I will do this now, but I will try to find a solution.

At this point there is not much crypto in this artwork, except a big steem sign (if you squint) but the crypto will be integrated in my work , I have some ideas but I might need some collaboration with smarter people :P

Here is a fast playful variation over the unfinished artwork :P



This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
That means: you can copy, share, print, edit, re-interpret, remix and use freely even for commercial purposes

What do I mean by that ? Sell parts of the painting ?

To better explain this I will show a bit how you can make money from this fragment of a painting that I am giving for free today.

You can use it entire to print on a product or canvas or paper etc ...
Or you can use fragments to serve as design elements for various products.

As such


The texture behind the products is such a small fragment( smaller than the eye iris) collected from her chick, and even enlarged so much it doesn't loose quality


You can use the designs for so many textile products or for stationary products


Ok so now you know, you can make money from my art if you invest some time into it and some minimum photoshop and browsing on google skills. (can do that on amazon;( cheapest production and shipment cost ) redbubble; society6 etc …

And is completely free and legal to use my work (if you wanna do that tell me about it and I will give you the tif files and might even help you to best fit the design on a product (if you are a friend) :P
You can use all my creative commons work like this (ask for tif files) but some of my work from now on might not be all creative commons :P

There is already a large collection of work that I shared with Creative Commons and I will try to fit all in a post soonish.

Ps .
Soonish in alexandravart language means :
-when I have time
-when I feel like it
-maybe never
-next day etc.

I promised I will post a steemit job description and schedule today, that will come soonish :))
I was too excited to share this today, so did not feel like it :P

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Gah. Purple is my favorite. These displays are so cool. Awesome post ill be delving into it more. The fact its free boggles my mind, its your work and its appreciated. Much love

I am not an entrepreneur and the fact that someone else can make money from my art doesn't bug me, I just don't have time to do the marketing part, so if someone else does that good and make's a profit I will be happy for that person and even say "thank you" for spreading my art into the world
I hope he/she becomes a rich person selling my work :P

I love the fact that you are able to separate art from business so clearly, as many people make it into a job and forget about the part where you can really tap into the deepest parts of your mind by simply immerse yourself fully in the creative process. This is the kind of spirit that clearly makes your creative common projects so valuable to the art community on Steemit!

thank you so much, I cannot make my art a product or sell it like a product but I can present it as value (real value) and if someone can transform this value in money it is ok with me :)
I found my creative nature and artistic expression before I had any notion about money, and when I understood how money worked I could not find any link to value :) or to my art

Spoken like a true artist. Much respect.

This is such a good perspective to have and I totally agree. I think art should be made and set out into the world. :)

thank you :) and hope our art will color the world :)

We sure will try :)

I haven't talked with you much, and I am so bad at checking other people's content regularly (very guilty and sorry about that, I would have so much to learn) but I know you and your amazing skills and I would love to collaborate on some prints and fashion designs and talk and connect more :)

certainly, fire away!

Wowwww... This is awesome.... Wowww

thank you :)

This is so amazing Alex. Wow! So sorry about the tired eyes. I know you always give the best when you work and it always drain you of your energy. Take this: big hugs stay strengthened my dear.
Oh...i would love it on a top. That work of art is absolutely creative and beautiful.

thank you dear, I took a nap and solved my eyes :)) if you really want to can make a custom design on a top template for you, because you are one of the friends :P
you just have to tell me how you can print it in your country or if you can use one of the sites I mentioned in the post for shipment

Yaaaaaay! Thank you so much darling and i am also glad you are rested too. The top template would be nice as i can engage someone here to do the printing on the top. It would save the cost of shipping it down...or what do you think?

yes if you have possibility to print there cheap I can give you lots of design templates, you (or someone else ) can even sell them if you want that or know someone that need a way to earn some money :)

Whaaaat? Wow! Who are you???? Really? I understand it's a way of advert but someone making money off that and selling them too? Wow. This is beyond me hahaha. Wow. I really don't know what to say really...first time in a long while that words failed me.
Sure, it can be printed here cheaper and ofcourse i do have people that i would love to assist with the sale. I will make a post later today or tomorrow about one that has been done already in terms of those who needed help. I would really appreciate the templates. Will totally rock the outfit and show you. hugs and pecks

I trust you to choose someone that deserves a chance to make a profit from my art , because I know how much you appreciate my work , and I know what you are basing your assessments in valuing people, also I know how many privileges and opportunities, people in your country are missing unfairly, and I am small, I cannot do much about it, but this I can do, and if it is too little I will try more

You are doing incredibly and amazingly well Alex. This sure means a lot and yes, so many people are missing out but every little bit helps and seeing smiles on their faces make me happy and you are one amazing lady. Thank you for all you do and also for the visit to my wall. Thank you.

I will try to start this project on Monday and give you more templates and designs, I am a bit busy until than, but do not think I will forget, if I delay a bit do not think I am a horrible person I just am the worst at time management,

Hahahaha i wouldn't think that. I know how busy you get and how creative you need to be so as to give your best and that alone, is time consuming. Take your time, i am always here dear. Thank you for being so sweet. The world is waiting for you Alex.

thank you for understanding and I am already making some steps towards the world

Love the overlapping squares as a design in itself Alex.

I also love the way you so freely give a lot of your work to be used by others, as it is or further developed. 🦋

this is not a new practice for me, to gift some of my art, but I am happy that I found the legal way to do so with CC , thank you for appreciating my work

It's such a pleasure Alex. I've been looking at the concept of CC for a long time, but was unsure how to go about it. Your example has inspired me to 'DO IT NOW.'

At the moment I'm writing about my own experiences with copyright and the shift to CC, mentioning how reading this article was the final nudge in that direction. 🦋

that is amazing I am so happy I can inspire, I think shared intelligence and creativity and ideas could take our productivity and problem solving (in a larger scale) at the next level and solve problems that as individuals we could not dare to even try to solve

This is marvelous! So many details..

thank you for appreciating :)

woah, the detail and colors, its an amazing digital painting! ! i need to look into this creative commons thing. how do artists benefit from this? in today's world its hard to keep any intellectual property...

it really depends how you are looking at this benefits, in small if you are thinking at your money situation, you should know that creative commons is a customisable license, so you can reserve as many rights as you want, even as C copy right, the difference is that you do it legally the moment you post your work and everyone could see what rights you reserved, I choose to renounce all wrights, from various reasons, first I want to make my art known world wide (my style recognizable) and if I allow commercial use I receive free promotion, the more people see projects featuring my art( even if I was not the person that gained money from them ), the more projects come my way, also I have respect for my ideas more than my physical products that I produce, so I prefer to see many minds working on my ideas, sharing ideas , creativity and intelligence is the best way, I think , for better art, for better everything :)
I don't know how best to explain about money , I am not the most practical person, but I am really trying to think bigger than my monthly gains, I am trying to think about all my future gains, and even more my recognition as an artist

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

thank you! yeah, I totally hear you regarding showing your work as much as possible and not worrying much about the use... when i came to steemit i was very protective of my work, but now, honestly i just want to share it and get the feedback that inspires me to do more. So i'm totally with you! I also noticed that CC gives you an upvote for using their licences which is pretty awesome!

witch cc :)))))))))))) I am one cc @ccommons.art and the other is @creative-commons by @shortcut so we both are giving upvotes and I am making the wall of fame and paying part of the post rewards to the artists I promote, and I remember you were protective of your work at first (that is actually how I remembered you) you told me I should not give my work for free when I was sharing it with steem creations :P

its a hard work i can feel your eyes and your comp :D. this is amazing art love the colours. :)

thank you my dearest, I am in the rpg game art creation frenzy still, so I haven't got a chance to connect with you but both you and @diebitch are the people I hope to collaborate " a la long ", and make that discord server finally where every day there will be brainstorming collaboration and projects to work on and be payed for

hey don forget to eat lol

Great work, thank you!

thank you slothy dear :D

eagerly waiting to see more of it. Do let us know.

ok I will sent you a link when I post more :D