Jason Goodman, Religious Victim?

in cryptobeast •  5 years ago  (edited)

A few new developments in the case of Dave Sweigert and Robert David Steele vs Jason Goodman.

Dave Sweigert has his own lawsuit against Goodman in the Southern District of New York. He has also filed a Motion to Intervene as a co-Plaintiff in Robert David Steele's lawsuit in the Eastern District of Virginia. He recently stated his intention to sue Jason Goodman in the state of California, where he has operated his business "21c3d" for many years.

Mr Goodman has asked the Court for an extension of time for his response to the Motion to Intervene, saying he is being persecuted for being Jewish.

If rats are anti-Semitic, then why is Jason posting hate speech to his Instagram account?

Specifically in his latest filing, Jason Goodman is claiming that Dave Sweigert has filed his motion to intervene maliciously, precisely co-ordinated with the sacrosanct Pesach (Passover) holiday.

Mr Goodman has used Passover as an excuse to ask the Court for an extension of time to file his response to the Motion to Intervene.

Unfortunately for Jason, he is representing himself pro se - without a lawyer. This means that it is important he reads all of the documents filed with the Court, in particular any Orders made by the Judge. If he had done this, he would have realized that the filing date was not set maliciously by Dave Sweigert to target him at Passover. Instead, it was set by Judge Hannah Lauck - who already gave the Defendants an extension of time from the original date of April 23 (during Passover) to May 1 (well after the end of Passover).

In the past Mr Goodman has said "I'm a secular Jewish guy, I've never been to Israel, I don't have any particular affinity towards Israel...I don't walk around wearing a yarmulke, I don't frequently go to a synagogue, I have had a bar mtizvah and I do identify as being Jewish":

This claim to be a non-practicing Jew is borne out by his behavior during this year's Passover. Rather than attending synagogue and observing the holiday with family and friends (as he claimed under penalty of perjury), in fact he was very busy producing videos and slandering Dave Sweigert and others.

During the 8 days of Pesach he released 9 videos on YouTube and 15 on Patreon - an average of 3 videos per day. 9 of the videos were slandering Dave Sweigert. Jason Goodman also spent time making collages like the one below:

Mr Goodman just published a phone call he recorded with Queen Tut on April 3, 2019. It seems unusual that he has waited until now to release it. She confirmed that everything she said in her interview with me was true and accurate. The audio of this clip is strange - did Jason edit it? Perhaps re-recording his voice to sound more calm? Maybe this explains the publishing delay.

In a previous recorded call, Jason praised Queen Tut "who I consider a very competent researcher and a very honest person":

Here is the email Jason was demanding:

The domain crowdsourcethetruth.org redirects to the Crowdsource the Truth Facebook page, which suggests that it is Jason Goodman's domain. The WhoIs record lists 21st Century 3D of New York as the owner. So why did Jason pretend he never received this email?

Unfortunately for the Defendants, "this lawsuit is fake" is not likely to sway the Court into giving them a favorable outcome. With more than 100 documents filed so far, and multiple Judge's Orders, it sure looks real to me.

Defendant Patricia Negron is certainly taking it seriously, she has hired a lawyer and filed all responses required of her by the due dates.

Previous Coverage

Original CryptoBeast interview with Queen Tut:

Quinn Michaels: “Burning Man Sites On Top of a Massive Underground City”

CryptoBeast #2 – #Clownsource the #Peabody

CryptoBeast #13 – #govLARP

CryptoBeast #16 – Queen Tut Spills the Beans

Dave Acton Sues Jason Goodman

Acton v Goodman – Was Charleston Dirty Bomb Hoax an FBI Operation?

Acton v Goodman – Judge Rules “Off to New York”

Insane in the Ukraine: J.Go Like You’ve Never Seen Him Before

Insane in the Ukraine Part 2: The Spin Begins

See also Tracking the Leopard Meroz, where you can find most of the Court documents without having to pay for PACER searches yourself.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://burners.me/2019/04/30/jason-goodman-religious-victim/
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SO, Steve... any idea who setup this Vimeo account? Seems Highly Suspicious that it's up with only the video from above and a very misleading description. And what I mean by that is that the lawsuit corrected the mistake of misidentifying QT back in 2017. You've had a history of bad journalism like JG lately in my humble opinion. Might you be tryna stoke some animosity for your own gain? Asking for a friend ; )

Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at 2.39.42 PM.png

Robert David Steele & his attorney S. Biss are targeting Youtube channels to silence any reporting on the UNRIG charity fraud. Biss is known for his frivolous lawsuits, including his most recent lawsuit against Twitter. Biss has no problem naming innocent people in lawsuits. He has done this a number of times in the RDS lawsuit. Unfortunately, Jason Goodman from CSTT is equally complicit in associating innocent people with his character Queen Tut. The content of this video proves that both antagonists in this lawsuit are involved in a conspiracy to defame individuals for the purposes of controlling internet freedom. You can hear in this dialogue how Goodman denies that he is not involved in the p--- industry. However, the cover picture is from his company's instagram. You can also hear how Biss names CH as Queen Tut with no evidence. The RDS lawsuit is one big LARP. This video provides the evidence to support the previous statements. The public can search the Virginia Bar to confirm that S.Biss lost his law license for one year due to fraudulent activity on his part.


Highly Suspicious!

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