Blockchain Studios Builds a Marketplace for Customized Digital Collectibles

in cryptocarz •  7 years ago  (edited)

The gaming software industry has achieved great progress in relation to virtual and interactive realities. Interactive digital game industry, in particular, relies on visual imagery and puts an increased focus on user's presence in the gaming environment. Thus, advanced technologies, such as virtual reality and augmented reality, alongside other innovations allow for natural interaction and cutting-edge sound. In this respect, gaming industry possesses a huge potential to be introduced with various monetization models to boost income.

The first project of Blockchain Studios, CryptoCarz contemplates a surprising and yet valuable feature to propel gaming industry. The platform proposes the introduction of digital collectibles as the main driver for sustainable development. The platform's contribution to the gaming environment is twofold. First, it will significantly enrich gamers' experiences due to attractive design and VR visualisation. Second, the platform will provide ways to generate income with the implementation of ERC-721, a well-known standard for crypto collectibles.

Introducing a new form of digital collectibles

Cryptocommunity is already familiar with the concept of digital collectibles, as it was envisioned in a number of projects built on the blockchain technology. Unlike traditional collectibles, digital ones can be used in online games to raise the response capacity of the gaming platforms. CryptoCarz as one of those platforms encourages gamers to purchase uniquely designed racing cars, to join its marketplace and race in the game.

Blockchain Studios, a production studio behind the project, has established a three-party collaboration between its partners from the blockchain and gaming industry to implement this concept. At the initial stage, users will have a choice of 20 car models with the total number of 650 units, each of them representing a specific cryptocurrency.

Thus, a fixed set of cars will form the core game asset and will be available for purchase in the web-library. Alongside basic vehicle features, such as speed and acceleration characteristics, a number of additional 3D-based visual components will optimize the performance of the vehicle.

User activities and interaction with the system

The CryptoCarz infrastructure comprises five main entities, each corresponding either to a smart contract level or to the car graphics. Core assets are incorporated in the Carz entity, a data storage for the whole range of the vehicle characteristics. In order to customize each item, a list of available Car graphics opportunities will be provided for use. All activities concerning the customization and ownership of the cars will take place and subsequently stored in a Garage. Finally, the marketplace itself will be equipped with two features, which are Auctions and Bids. On top of that, users will be provided with an opportunity to rent cars to enter a specific race, should the race, for instance, require a sufficient vehicle performance. Digital assets will be powered by non-fungible tokens, based on the ERC-721 standard.

Token Sale Plan

For the purposes of the bounty campaign, an ERC-20 token, the Car Credit Token (CCRD) will be issued. Sale details as well as product launch will be announced on the website of the platform.

Blockchain Studios elaborates a platform on the intersection of the ever-developing gaming industry and the market of collectibles. Since the value of both segments is projected to increase significantly, their marketplace seems with no doubt to be viable in the long run. CryptoCarz focuses on the integration of collectibles into the gaming environment, which requires substantiation preparation time and quite a complex set of tasks. According to their Facebook account, the development of the VR-enabled CryptoCarz showroom is now on the final stage. As for the monetary model, CryptoCarz intends to introduce several race tracks, where gamers will be rewarded when they win the race.



This review by Bonanza Kreep is all opinion and analysis, not investment advice.

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