This is a very well written article. This article will definitely the basic idea of cryptocurrencies how they work and advantages/disadvantages of it. I totally concur with the part that you proclaiming there are loads of manipulation in this area. However the websites selling cryptocurrencies are very smart these days you can make a purchasing order like when x currency's value is 1 dollar I will purchase 20 of them and as soon as the value of that currency falls and you can make a selling order stating that whenever this currency's worth is up to 2 dollars I will sell all of them! These very smart tools makes earning money so easily and I love it! Another facet that I concur with you again is that if you seek a long-term investment this is really going to be very beneficial for you. You will be the victor in the long run! I loved the article, keep it up the good work!
Best regards
RE: Why Cryptocurrencies prices are falling from time to time
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Why Cryptocurrencies prices are falling from time to time