RE: Name YOUR decentralized social network?

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Name YOUR decentralized social network?

in cryptocurrencies •  6 years ago  (edited)

Note the numerous edits in my last two recent comment posts. Also add these links to my additional points about Gut Health:

The role of dietary fibre in inflammatory bowel disease

EDIT: SUBJECT: Drastically increasing fiber had so far a dramatic effect on my health metrics

See the links above about the importance of fiber for gut flora health.

Anyway, I drastically increased my intake of fiber via raw vegetables (carrots, celery, leafy greens, cucumbers, onions, tomatoes, lime juice) and cooked potatoes+bean (and removed all fatty nuts and animal-based food other than a small can of mackerel daily). I eat as much as I want (even to a bloated stomach) but only on the high fiber foods.

The result is that in two days I lost 4 lbs (157 down to my lowest yet of 153 lbs or 69 kg). I am getting closer to the 147 welterweight limit. Manny Pacquiao fights today.

The perhaps more important finding is that I noticed a lot of dull pain or cramps in what feels to be perhaps my large intestine where it wraps across horizontally near my stomach and liver. That would not be my stomach because that was many hours after digesting the food while I was laying down. It could possibly be the liver and not the intestine. Anyway, it is the large intestine then that seems to possibly support the idea that my remaining health problem is dysbiosis. Dysbiosis (also called dysbacteriosis) is a term for a microbial imbalance or maladaptation on or inside the body, such as an impaired microbiota (in the gut).

Well my running result today seems to indicate a sudden and drastic improvement (5% faster versus only 1% incremental gains in earlier January). Wonder what a few more days of high fiber diet will do? Note I also ordered a 60ml oral syringe and the psyllium fiber capsules which will arrive later this week. Those are so I can start self-administering fecal transplants into my butt hole if I can find a suitable donor and if the high fiber diet doesn’t give me enough improvement in the interim.

And I ran 4.2 kms in a much faster time of 26:28 (versus 27:45 on July 12) at 6am on treadmill after running 2.5 kms at 1am on the concrete here in the subdivision. My mile splits were 11:30 first and then 9:15 second mile.

EDIT#2:: Some feedback received in private chat:

Question is whether to discard Dvrse and just name the blockchain also Realms?

I do like Realms for all of your arguments. That's a far better hint/implicit call-to-action regarding what could be achieved with it than Dverse. It does sound a bit like a cheap fantasy videogame though (My point is: the fantasy part is very good, but we need to stay aware of too many associations with that part of popular mind when it comes to branding to mass population), and I guess Dvrse really isn't convincing to me as being a strong and accurate match to go alongside with "Realms", is it? I mean the branding name would be sober, with a little fantasy-oriented sense, whereas the blockchain name would be "fashion-startup-tech"-torn (with that removal of vowels). Maybe it matches well but I cannot relate them well for now.

Perhaps RLMZ? Problem with DIGITS is that it also means fingers. We could return to Etonomy for the blockchain name with the token E. Again I am wary of the (miss-)association to green energy and lack of default association to autonomy, although ‘E’ for energy/electricity is okay if not for the Etonomy association with green economy environmentalism.

To me Realms + RLMZ does emphazise a little too much on the geek/kikoo/fantasy side of that strong "Realms" idea.

Why not Realms + E as currency name with Etonomy as the blockchain name? Etonomy matches well that Realms branding name, it sounds serious as a well-thought concept underlying the tech, thus conterbalancing the geek side of "Realms". While 'E' remains catchy and very simple yet brilliant, at least more than anything related to Realms such as "RLMZ". Only my opinion though.

The definition of MANA subsumes credibility and adds astral/metaphysical power. Mana also has a dreamy meaning in Japanese meaning love/affection combined with beautiful.

True! Again that conveys too strong a geek/fantasy feeling to me to have Realms + MANA, but that might be because it does ring the hell a bell for me, to mass population maybe Realms and Mana sound like very new, clean and catchy names.

I hope I have made it clear numerous times already that Etonomy doesn’t mean what we want it to mean to most people. It means something related to economy or economics, with the former being often related to thrift or efficiency instead of the latter being more associated to a market-based system. And in this era ‘E’ relates in many Westerners’ minds with environmentalism and green ‘e-’ energy efficiency, such as e-bicycles, e-refrigerator, etc..

My 19 year old American daughter said she thought Etonomy is the science (study of) economy. We don’t want people to think our project is some initiative for academics. I am sorry but Etonomy just doesn’t mean what we want it to mean. It doesn’t mean an autonomous, economy running on the ‘E’ token. The name gives off undesirable connotations. First impressions matter a lot in marketing and relationships. Etonomy seemed like a wonderful name in a vacuum of our private interpretations of its meaning. Reality isn’t so accommodating.

Another problem with Etonomy is it is precisely not geek-cool nor technological. Rather it’s trying to claim something about economics thus associating with academia. So it doesn’t give any hint of this being about something hi-tech such as blockchain.

I don’t understand what is so misterpreted about matching the “decentralized universe” with ‘realms’. Seems perfectly matched from a conceptual basis. Perhaps you’re referring to just the way it looks without any meaning of terms attempted. And/or you may also be presuming that most people will not make the leap to understanding that a prefix of ‘d’ means decentralization. But if they don’t know what Dvrse means then they can’t make any conceptual misinterpretation, unlike Etonomy where they can make tangential connotations. It seems your main argument against is that Dvrse looks like geek-cool, tech fashion naming which you think is a mismatch to a serious name for a brandable site. You apparently think if we want Realms to be taken as seriously as Medium and Wikipedia, then Dvrse is cheesy just from an appearance standpoint.

I don’t agree. I think Dvrse looks and sounds somewhat technological and caters to the geeks who invest in blockchains. Whether we could think of a better blockchain name is a different consideration. And whether Realms would work just as well for the blockchain name is yet another consideration. But Etonomy and the E token name are no longer under consideration.

So token name ideas so far that remain: klout, cred, D or mana. Of those, I think mana is the best match.

As for the fantasy gaming association of Realms and mana, well that’s sort of what we want. This is a virtual world which doesn’t have the centralized limitations of our physical world. Cryptotokens are akin to game tokens.

Any additional ideas or thoughts?

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