Two Crypto Projects To Keep Your Eye On

in cryptocurrencies •  6 years ago 

A lot of times you can partially evaluate a crypto by the amount of coins in circulation and the ultimate supply. Nano and Verge have an interesting history the last year and there won't be a ton more coins for Verge and no more new coins for Nano. It is worth a look. The charts are looking juicy on a macro scale!

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I'm still chipping away at NANO to get my average down. Bought more 2 days ago and may go again next week.

Are you views on Verge purely based on TA or do you think the project has potential also?

My Nano investment is based on fundamentals and then that macro chart view and the fact that there aren't more coming into circulation. It is more legit in my mind that Verge. Verge is just a speculative investment for me. I don't see it having a lot of potential over what Monero is doing and I feel like it is just a hype train for the most part.

Yes I am also very positive on the long term for NANO. 10 months ago I wouldn't have dreamt of holding the amount of NANO I do now due to the price, so maybe this bear market will be a blessing in disguise!

That is exactly what I'm thinking as well. The bear market will be good for those of us who can stack as many coins as possible heading into the next parabolic moves.

Is Verge announcing any other partnership?

I haven't heard about any news ones lately.