Cryptosignal App Buy/Sell Signals Different Cryptos

in cryptocurrencies •  7 years ago 

I recently saw an ad(not sure where) for this crypto-signal app. I was intrigued immediately and downloaded it to check it out. I also started searching for reviews and info about the company on the web. I have only found reviews on the apple store site so far. The only info I found about the company was an address of where there office is, also only found 1 youtube review and nothing else.

CS Logog.jpg

I kept the app on my phone for the past week or so and last night something told me to give it a shot! I don't have much money in the crypto world so I really don't have much to lose just learning experience! So I bought the subscription($99/month) and got my coins over to Binance and made some trades.

Bitcoin Gold @ .01624081 BTC
Waves @ .00079047
Power Ledger @ .00009104

They set sell points, so I did set them as well so I don't miss them cause I may not be at the computer.
I am going to comment on this post as it sell points come in or just an update on what % profit/loss

crypto signal Jpg.png

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What were the sell points? Did they work out for you?

Not many hit on the down trend. The signals are filling of course now. I am gonna give them benefit a chance considering everything was going down. But as I think about it you can catch dips and peaks on the way down. They did not seem to do the best job at that.