Things will get better in crypto world.

in cryptocurrencies •  7 years ago 

There is a storm coming. Fiat currency and the petrodollar are dying, the quantitative easing by the central banks the last desperate trick that did not work.

The crisis of 2008 will look like a picnic compared to what’s coming. This all according to the web bot program of Clif High. What is the web bot program? It is a piece of software that was originally created to predict the stock market by collecting language patterns on the internet.

The idea behind this is that future events can be predicted by language used on the internet.
While not a 100% accurate, the web bot predictions are sometimes pretty close.
The crypto currency dip that started last month for instance has been predicted on the day.

If the Fiat currency system collapse then the ones who are in the crypto currencies are safe.
We already see a transition from fiat to crypto, not only by us common people but also by the powers that rule this planet.

What we see happening now is a desperate attempt to get into crypto big time by some very rich people. Why? Because they know that they need to move out of the fiat currency system.

So we see an overall price drop on all crypto’s so big whales can buy big. Apparently this will turn around in the second week of March.
Now this is not only a prediction from the web bot report but also rumours on the Dark web.

The web bot also predict that crypto’s will keep breaking records in all time highs in 2018.
I guess time will tell.

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My thoughts exactly. They want to get a piece of the power that comes with owning a large sum of the total crypto market cap to be able to somewhat control the cryptomarket. Before they do so they bad talk cryptos to make the price drop so they can buy big.

I'll hodl for now and ride along :-)

I think exactly the same way, that someone is manipulating the market big time so the whales can get in when the price is low.

I hope so ... and I hope that banks become history