I wonder if many would instinctively know to pronounce Ξ as "e".
I didn't if that's any indicator.
To get the desired result, I'd harness the natural propensity for the average human to discover through error.
Place the Ξ where most people would expect an E. The auto correction of the brain will likely correct it to E and then Ξ becomes associated with E while still remaining Ξ
Then they consciously notice that the E is a little funny and realize it is actually Ξ, bringing attention to the Ξ logo to Cement it being pronounced E as well as being used for the function of the letter it resembles.
It's not required for this suggester to be in incorporated into the name, and consequently constraining its form.
It Just has to be prominent on the website by replacing the Es of key words with Ξ
Ξgress - Definition, the act or an instance of going, especially from an enclosed place.
Indeed, that is what I have been thinking when and since I wrote:
∎ I prefer this to the last comment about naming. I hope you guys stop. I already provided my email address above for those who want to continue discussion. Thanks.
Note I do not reply anymore to tangential comments because I am trying to not bury my recent important comments with follow-up minutiae. So I will respond to your recent tangential question:
Note I corrected the broken link in the post you were replying to point to an archive which contains the posts of mine which were censored from
.I forget all the details of that discussion, but essentially just spend your tokens to “legacy” addresses. Most wallets can do this. The absolute safest would be to mix your spends with newly minted BTC that had no SegWit lineage, although this is probably unnecessary. There were services offering to sell minute fractions of such virgin mined BTC. You would then create a transaction with two inputs one each for the tainted BTC and the virgin mined BTC. I do not know which wallet can facilitate this.
P.S. Internet friends please note that a new health problem has developed which seems to be fibromyalgia. This is the longest duration and most (dull) pain I have been in that is not involving any G.I. nor head pain. I wonder if the recent few weeks of dairy and/or the occasional Bovine Colostrum made this worse? Could sitting in a chair for so many hours a day be a contributing factor?
These new symptoms have been threatening to become chronic since about November. Which is why I had increased exercise. I might have had this sort of leg pain back in 2015 or 2016 as well (when I suspected my symptoms to be Multiple Sclerosis because of they also involved welts on and systemic inflammation involving my skull), but if so were less noticeable than the other G.I. and head symptoms I at that time.
In the episodes (aka flare-ups) since roughly November, the pain would be only on the left leg and buttock and would subside after a few hours. Today’s flare-up involves both legs, buttocks and even the lower back. And it has continued through the night and disrupted my sleep.
Doctors have no cure nor explanation for these sort of autoimmune conditions. All they can do is treat the symptoms with pain killers and anti-inflammatory agents.
This is why I am not hopeful for a modern medical cure to my condition. Yet I should at least rule out clinically detectable conditions such as dysbiosis or physically identifiable issues in the G.I. tract.
If it’s for example the genetic material that remains in the body after the more dangerous multiple Dengue infections (which I have had in addition to a virulent strain of HPV which was a gift from my ex and innumerable other infections), that can apparently cause long-term autoimmunity (c.f. also), then I am simply screwed for life. Or the 24 days of fluoroquinolones antibiotics which I have previously cited (from an E.U. circular) as being correlated with long-term egregious side-effects (probably due to the fluoride). And the best I can do is try to manage the condition with more time outdoors, exercise, and off the computer.
Still in (dull) pain at the moment, but I have taken Resveratrol, Vitamin E, Magnesium, Potassium, Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, and eaten raw greens and a carrot. I felt slightly better sitting up to write this email as opposed to lying in the bed.
My declining health combined with this egregious threat of physical torture to all publicly known crypto investors, traders and developers, means it is becoming more and more likely that I will disappear from the cryptocosm. This is no joke nor bullshit. My health condition is much worse than readers realize. It’s impossible to work effectively and intensely as a software developer with this chronic health condition. Short-term memory isn’t performing well enough most of the time (such work requires keeping a lot of details in short-term memory). Continuity of thoughts and engineering is lost by every flare-up. I am often not quite sure if I am conscious or in a dream. I fight to remain aware of being conscious, but my willpower is being pummeled by the years of grinding through it. I am disabled now.
Perhaps those who I was working with (or others reading my public posts?) will carry forward the plans and ideas in some capacity. Keep an eye out for a project which might resemble the one we discussed.
EDIT 4 hours later: I have diarrhea now, so this fibromyalgia-like flare-up appears to be G.I. related.
I edited my first Steemit blog:
I continue to augment my comment post about the absurdity of the junk science and political propaganda for man-made global warming aka climate change:
I augmented my blog Countries Vulnerable to Economic Devastation Soon:
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I achieved a few hours of frequently interrupted sleep. Extremely hungry even though I ate 4 eggs, red rice, and some raw veggies just a few hours earlier before laying down. The disseminated pain is slightly reduced (although still significant enough to repeatedly wake me up). And the brain effects changed from fog to headache. Now in addition to the slightly diminishing aching pain, I also have a cramp (as opposed to an ache) on front, left side and my right arm feels like someone kicked it. In summary, feels like the flare-up is trending ever so slightly positively. The “cramp” (or “stitch”) I’m referring to is analogous to the effect of jogging too soon after eating. Not so painful. Aching (dull) pain feels like a bone and muscle bruise and it hurts more when pressure is applied, e.g. the hamstring aches deeply (deep to the bone) when the my hamstring is hanging over the edge of the chair. Note that seems to match the muscloskeletal pain described for fibromyalgia. The strangest symptom was I had an annoyingly strong erection all throughout this flare-up. It’s like I had taken Viagra. Lack of (or lack of strong) erections has been a feature of my chronic illness. When the aching pain was at its peak, I was miserable and couldn’t sleep at all. This is approaching tolerable/cope-able by now.
Amazing how much the immune and endocrine system is all tied up in the G.I. system. We don’t realize this when we are young and healthy.
EDIT next day: Our fatty liver is caused by autoimmunity. Is gut dysbiosys causing or concomitant with the autoimmunity? Gut dysbiosis is correlated with NAFLD, and I have read some info on how it may cause NAFLD via autoimmunity.
I suspect FMT (fecal transplants) is the best possible shot of curing this, if a sustained outdoor sunshine, exercise, balanced diet lifestyle does not.
I will likely pursue traditional colonoscopy, endoscopy and/or capsule endoscopy, so they can see and sample tissues inside the G.I. tract. The capsule endoscopy can take 50,000 imagines and capture the duodenal area that can’t be seen with traditional colonoscopy or endoscopy. That was the area where my ulcer burst in 2012 which caused me to end up ER and ICU. Note duodenal cancer has a survival rate of less than 20% for 2 years.
Someone put me in touch with a former high school gf who is now practicing natural medicine in Napa valley, CA, USA. Hopefully she can help me obtain a fecal donor and perhaps also refer me to some doctors in the USA/Mexico.
I am about to shift my daily lifestyle as I ramp down the number of hours per day I am on the computer to perhaps 4 to 6 hours at most (for a few weeks for this lifestyle test).
It’s perplexing that I could go from such a horrible condition last night to having a very athletic heavy bag boxing workout this evening. My legs do still ache intensely (and feels like I might not be able to sleep again), but my upper body was strong and my endurance was spectacular compared to recent times. Normally I lose energy on the heavy bag after roughly a minute or less ever since I was stricken chronically ill. This evening I was able to go 3 minutes per round non-stop punching. The snap on my punches was astounding for my age. Actually I was cracking the bag fiercely with my stronger right hand (much stronger than other videos I have shared). I was just amazed and thinking this is not me, I am dreaming. I wish somone would have been there to video it. Would have been interesting to share. This rollercoaster health ride is very confusing. That is why sometimes I am too ambitious because I feel great sometimes. I seem to decline by working 10 hours daily on the computer. I will probably be ill again later or tomorrow. In this moment I am lucid.
My body weight is still maintained at a svelte 155 lbs (70.5 kg).
EDIT after sleeping again:With a fresher mind I can pinpoint that these aches resemble the feeling of lactic acid accumulation. I know it well from my past experience of overexertion sprinting on the track. I’ve been supplementing Magnesium past two days.
If that is the actual mechanism, what deceived me from identifying it as lactic acid accumulation was the aches being up into my lower back muscles. And the extended duration that the lactic acid was not vacated.
Yet that could be the plausible explanation for why I was able to be otherwise athletic in my upper body last night as I mentioned in the prior message quoted below.
Note I did not sleep well again last night because of the aches.
I just finished jogging 1.5 miles in this blistering 10am tropical heat. Very achy sore in my hamstrings during the run but feel good so far after cooling off in the aircon. I normally feel good for at least an hour or two after exercise.
My near-term strategy is to test the lifestyle change I mentioned before.
So lactic acidosis can be caused by liver failure:
Apparently can die very suddenly from this condition:
I concur that at the worst the night before yesterday the onset of shock to the body is rather severe. It hadn’t impacted my breathing but it did reach up into my hips and lower back.
So that it seems this is very likely a sign of advancing liver disease in my case.
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Encouraging to hear that your symptoms are approaching "tolerable/copeable by now"
These all sound like wise options to pursue, though 4 to 6 hours per day in front of a computer screen still seems excessive; though I realise there's likely an occupational pressure to do so.
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