in cryptocurrencies •  7 years ago 

Well by now it is more news that a very minute percentage of the world's population is aware of the world of cryptocurrency and this is no doubt why there could possibly be misconceptions about it, and this leads me to one of those misconceptions that was made evident to me by a neighbour of mine who is I tried to explain the concept of cryptocurrency and the use of the blockchain technology as a whole. She asked me "are you aware of the fact that on the last days the world would make use of one currency?" Now although at the time I wasn't equipped with a response but I also happen to be a Christian and I went through the bible to clarify from Rev 13:17 that this wasn't the case also check

On the contrary cryptocurrency in simple terms could be referred to as a digital currency based on cryptography and algorithms which also possess qualities of money such as fungibility, divisible, and can be used as a store of value not to talk of its additional quality which is the fact that it is universal not to mention other uses of the blockchain technology. There us also another upside to this it is inflation free to a large extent. Decentralisation is another concept cryptocurrency brought to lime light but that is topic for another day, I know that there could be a number of people out there that have decided not to harness this opportunity probably because of this false believe and it is my intention to disabuse such minds of this wrong believe. Crypto currency has come to stay, crypto currency is the future, crypto currency is another stage in the evolution of money. It's a frontier economy!!! Cheers.!!!

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I do not think the verse quoted alludes to a global currency but I am not a biblical expert but one thing I know is that the biblical verse wasn't referring to a decentralized currency. That is certain.

Yes my point exactly from thd post. A misconception am trying to correct

You know It is'nt one currency yet...cryptocurrency has various coins, just as paper money has various currenies..

Yes i trade on crypto so i knw that. Hope u read till the end to get my point

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. I always laugh wen we talk of endtime.
The moment you die then your time has ended.

Lollllllllllllll all is end

Wao patience is needed to digest the above post.. Thanks for the insight

Thanks fr the patience to read to the end mahn

Bravo i get your point. Thubs up

Thanks mahn

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"She asked me "are you aware of the fact that on the last days the world would make use of one currency?""

Isn't cryptocurrency the exact opposite of this? Surely, a decentralized monetary system would point away from what you're trying to demonstrate, does it not?