CryptoGamesToken, the new ERC20 Token of Crypto Mining Game.

in cryptocurrencies •  5 years ago 
Mining rates are calculated from 2 factors:

  • Prices of the Crypto-currencies compared to USD

  • Ads revenue of the website

Rates give a certain amount of revenue share, shared among all Active players. It is always adjusted.

Since CMG V2, Hpower is unlimited. All Hpower until 1000 is usefull to mine all Coins. The total Hpower, including above 1000, is usefull to mine CryptoGamesToken, the new ERC20 Token of Crypto Mining Game. A dedicated page will be created about it, where you will be able to get more info and find out what you can do with it. CMG is working on many partnerships to make this token as much usefull as possible.

Please remember that Crypto Mining Game is a game, don't except to win fortune here, but getting some cryptos while having fun is pretty great, right! ;)

Astellia's MMORPG is set on the planet of Astellia, which is ruled by Queen Azura. The planet is quite dangerous because of the presence of a deadly, ancient evil. A group of adventurers have been dispatched to prevent Queen Azura from ruling the world forever and save the planet of Astellia from her evil.

The different races of the game are not too diverse and the game features only a handful of them. As a result, there are very few people who can tell the difference between an Astellia and an Asuran. Players can choose to play with any race and choose to play as one of the three classes of this game: the warrior, the rogue or the mage.

In terms of playing the MMORPG of Astellia, you must first gain the level up required to be able to join a PvP battle and then you can engage in battles against other players. In order to do that, you must complete a quest line and defeat an opponent. There are also times wherein you will have to do quests to make sure that you are progressing in the quest line and earning gold and other items to buy.

Another feature that is featured in this game is the fact that you can earn gold by performing certain actions. You can make gold by doing battle and capturing nodes, which can be obtained through exploration. There are also instances that will require you to battle your way through and gain gold.

When you have gold, you can buy the items that you need to level up your character or buy new equipment. You can also buy a variety of potions and other consumables to help you get through the battles. The main purpose of playing the game is to have fun and enjoy the game in a fun and engaging way.

If you want to play the game without worrying about leveling up or other things, you can simply level up your character in the beginning and have different things to do. Once you have reached level 20, however, you can join the PvP battles, participate in quests, and get gold by participating in battle. You can play the game alone or with a group of friends and enjoy the game's features, which is why it is so popular.

The game is quite addictive, especially if you are interested in MMORPGs. If you play the game and want to have fun, you will definitely be interested in it.

For Virtual Mining
Crystal is used to mine. Each time you click in a "MINE" button, you will pay amount of Crystals depends on your level (level 1: 1 Crystal, level 2: 2 Crystals, level 3: 3 Crystals...).

Each Crystal used to MINE represents 10 minutes of mining. So, for exemple, at level 12, you will be able to mine for 120 min (2 hours) without interruptions. After that, mining will stop and you will need to reactivate it by clicking again in the MINE button

In Crypto World
Crystal, a Graphene based alloy, has become in the past 50 years the main source of energy for most devices! You'll need it for just about everything, especially for mining and sending your drones around the crypto-world!

To send your drones in world missions, you'll Crystals required by their engines propulsion. The more the distance is, the more it will cost Crystals.

Moving your player don't cost any crystal.

Shop and Gifts
You can also use Crystal to get Gift tickets and purchase some items in the Shop!


No, it's not possible to mine many currencies at same time.


Since CMG V2, Hpower is unlimited. All Hpower until 1000 is usefull to mine all Coins. The total Hpower, including above 1000, is usefull to mine CryptoGamesToken, the new ERC20 Token of Crypto Mining Game. A dedicated page will be created about it, where you will be able to get more info and find out what you can do with it. CMG is working on many partnerships to make this token as much usefull as possible.

    Player can convert his Potcoin, Bitcore and Peercoin balance to Satoshi in the Withdraw page. The button is right under the player's addresses. It only appears if player has a balance superior to 0.
    Victory Points are points you get when you attack other players with your cards deck. Total of the Victory Points you have give you a rank. You can check the World rank in the Crypto Mining War page. Every 5th of each month, highest ranked players will be rewarded.
    To avoid bot usage and abuse of our website, we have put in the website some tracker that can detect a strange behavior on your account activity.

All the PENDING withdraw have to be APPROVED before the payout to be sent.

So if your Withdraw is UNDER REVIEW, you have to wait the administrator to check your account to approve it manually.

If your account has been detected as :

BOT USAGE : Depending on the gravity, your withdraw can be refund at 80% or just cancelled without any ability of reclamation.
MULTI-ACCOUNT (> 3 per ip) : Depending on the gravity, your withdraw can be refund at 80% or just cancelled without any ability of reclamation.
UNDER REVIEW Withdraw can take more than 3 months to be checked.

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