Hello and good afternoon from Finland,
For a long time I tried to earn some cryptocurrencies from any available sources.
From anywhere I could think of...
I found websites and applications.
And I still have some of them on my phone, and some of them have updated themselves into bad applications.
I'm not sure what to do with those.
You see, I have already earned some cryptos with them.
Like this Quicrypto app.
They started with a quite nice ability to watch 3 videos a day and earn like that.
I did like to use it and I have earned some cryptocurrencies with it.
Then came an update...
Something has changed...
Did they get creedy, or something?
Those videos have disappeared and been replaced by links to website games and apps.
To my understanding everyone of them need some information before giving us anything.
You know, give them your phone number, or credit card details before earning anything.
And I personally have experience in giving my phone number to a website that I shouldn't have.
The telemarketers are not to blame, they're not the one's spreading my phone number.
But they'll come calling you with tons of telemarketing calls.
- a side note, go google this fraze "problem with tradinglive.io"
Those are my videos, they've been on top of Google for a year now.
And back to the bad applications.
I have actually written to the support team of Quicrypto. And I have gotten a response as I've hoped not to get.
I don't really want to remember what they said, but it was something like this.
"We're sorry that you have a problem with us, but keep trying. It will be better soon."
And then there's no replies back to me.
That sucks!
But then there's app's like the Quarry
- a side note, the person behind the Quarry support team was the one person who lead me to the Steemit community.
They are super helpful and have always time to hear me out.
I really like to write messages to them.
By the way, the Quarry app has a problem with people using the tags wrongly.
I think that it's a place where us Steemians could help the Quarry app.
Could you please go upload the Quarry app, and begin writing in good tagging?
That's it for now, have a great day!
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