Compare Cryptocurrency market Daily trading volume to Forex market Daily volume.

in cryptocurrencies •  7 years ago  (edited)

Our recently made research shows that Cryptocurrency Trading daily volume is around $7,100,000,000 compare to Forex Trading daily volume is around $5,100,000,000,000. It is hard to even see cryptocurrencies part on this doughnut chart:


It can partially explain why the cryptocurrenci market fluctuate so much, let me give you an example:
Some IOCs raised tens of millions. Let’s say we had an ICO and we raised $100,000,000. We diversify this money and start exchange it into different cryptos on the crypto market. $100,000,000 can cause big market fluctuation on a market where the daily volume “only” $7,100,000,000.
If we would like to achieve the same effect on the Forex market we have to trade $57,464,000,000. It is still 8 times more money than the whole daily cryptocurrency volume.
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