RE: Name YOUR decentralized social network?

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Name YOUR decentralized social network?

in cryptocurrencies •  6 years ago  (edited)


Of the first of the "new" ones I liked Unlockd and Dappsule

Unlockd for its suggestion of individual influence and power, as you say, and for the implication of being unleashed or having exclusive access. A shame the .com's used. Looks and sounds good too. Prefer it to Unblocked, which to me seems less positive. Thought of an unblocked toilet.

I think Dappsule is an improvement on my earlier "Capsule" idea; quite snappy and memorable too.

Even though I appreciate "Comb" conceptually, I wonder about that silent "B" for non-English speakers. Like @johhnyflynn, I too instinctively pronounced Komb like "bomb".

Personally, I hadn't made any natural link between "E" and Etonomy to green energy etc, but I guess those from that world might do so. Still seems a bit tenuous though.

Interesting to read from the private chat about the possible negative associations with "Klik" and shady pop-ups and promotional banners. Possibly.

And I do get the point about Diverse not conveying "give me more things I want", but the user may not know what they want until they have seen a wider selection to choose from, inlcuding options they might never have anticipated.

More recently, Blocring has an appeal, though I'm not sure if "ring" has a strong enough association with drawing people together - but there is the positive inclusivity of a block party that comes to mind.


Note that ‘privy’ means to me: to be told information that is not told to many people, but some rejected this idea before because an archaic definition is: the toilet. Also I think this connotes privacy more than it does automated groupings of proximate interest.

Agreed. In the UK "privy" is likely to have two main connotations: toilet and The Privy Council.


For me, Qwilk might be a game from the Harry Potter books, or a Dickens character.

I quite like the look and sound of Sortie; but I associated it with meaning "exit" in French, then the military connection. I didn't think of sorted content. So I prefer the Sortd suggestion. How about BlocSortd, BlocHost and BlocSuite?

Regarding Dloopla and ndloop, I quite like the loop "in the loop" aspect, but both of these somehow don't flow visually or when spoken. I also saw it backwards as "pool"; group etc. Possibly some mirror image graphic potential there for any future logos.

Quite like Cluster, preferring the Clustr option.

However, from the current names list, Etonomy, Oodles and Eehive still have most appeal for me. And still "E" for the currency.

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