RE: Name YOUR decentralized social network?

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Name YOUR decentralized social network?

in cryptocurrencies •  6 years ago 

Ξ [...] That’s a neat looking symbol, but it can’t be used in a domain name with other letters without being converted to Punycode when displayed in the address bar, e.g. thΞ.com becomes (unlike the turned ə which can be displayed in the addess bar as thə.com), it doesn’t look definitively like a letter E (it can also look like other things such as three stacked dashes but this is neat as it conveys transmission such as of electricity or information), and (it’s a roman numeral and thus) it has less of a mathematical association. The turned capital ∃ is a math symbol (thus the implications of cryptographic and perhaps some novel mathematically based technological innovations). It’s easy for people to remember ‘e’ for electronic, electricity, ethereal, and the first ever cryptographic electronic money name Ecash.

Yes, I really do like the Ξ symbol. It's original and highly recognisable. First I think of the three line "menu" symbol in the top right corner of both the Steemit page, and Firefox browser I have open; also when you say "it conveys transmission as of electricity", it puts me in mind of the three rails seen on the London Underground (niche cultural association, I know):

So, on balance I would probably choose Ξ just over ∃, though both are effective.

perhaps we should consider that name pronounced as ‘e’ instead of the ∃ symbol.

I wonder if many would instinctively know to pronounce Ξ as "e".

Seems Uncommons is best fit to blogging (and perhaps discussion forums) but it’s too general (or abstract) for conveying a decentralized Wikipedia.

Instead seems that Infotree is better for a multifurcated Wikipedia alternative. That could be a standalone domain/app (e.g., or a subdomain/app within such as

Yep, looking good.

Our naming work seems to be essentially completed.

A tentative "phew!"

Before I read your latest post, a few possible name ideas occurred to me which may or may not appeal. I'll include them here even though they may now be superflous or not be in contention for some time.

dblocked. .com ($8.99 on; dblockeD.APP ($16.99). "d" to denote decentralised, and is an alternative to the previously floated "unblocked". Regarding the grammatical rules around using "un" and "de", I found one explanation here, where one contributor wrote: "Very broadly, de- is more likely to indicate action, whereas un- is more likely to connote a passive status: After you detune your guitar, it is an untuned guitar."

dforbid, to reflect non-censorship ($8.99); dforbiD.APP ($16.99).; unforbiD.APP same prices as above.

intacd; intacD.APP ditto re prices above. ($8.99).

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Please (you and @johnnyflynn) email me (shelbymoore3 at protonmail dot dom) a permanent way to contact you in the future, so I can reward both of you in the future for your feedback during the naming process. We can’t depend on Steemit being here forever.

I actually did think of the triple rails. Thanks for the photo.
