Encouraging to hear that your symptoms are approaching "tolerable/copeable by now"
I will likely pursue traditional colonoscopy, endoscopy and/or capsule endoscopy, so they can see and sample tissues inside the G.I. tract.
Someone put me in touch with a former high school gf who is now practicing natural medicine in Napa valley, CA, USA. Hopefully she can help me obtain a fecal donor and perhaps also refer me to some doctors in the USA/Mexico.
I am about to shift my daily lifestyle as I ramp down the number of hours per day I am on the computer to perhaps 4 to 6 hours at most (for a few weeks for this lifestyle test).
These all sound like wise options to pursue, though 4 to 6 hours per day in front of a computer screen still seems excessive; though I realise there's likely an occupational pressure to do so.