Steemians: You're already walking the road, and it's the right one

Steemians: You're already walking the road, and it's the right one

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If this comes to fruition, we are going to see STEEM as one of the leading blockchains. We already know, from a technical standpoint, STEEM is one of the better ones out there. At present, there are almost 1M accounts on this blockchain with 60K+ daily active users. For something that is less than two years old, that is tremendous growth.

I am very consistent with my impression of the Smart Media Token protocol. Once that is released, STEEM takes on a completely different meaning. Over the last couple days, I wrote how STEEM becomes a "secondary" token at that point. In essence, it is operating in the background.

Yesterday, I got into a discussion with someone who still is not keen on my positive outlook of STEEM. Instead of being open to the possibilities of what is taking place here, this individual wanted to continue to spew the same garbage that is often espoused.

After this conversation, I decided to take one more shot and explain it a manner that leaves little open to misunderstanding.


Maybe this analogy will bring home what is taking place.

Steemians: You're already walking the road, and it's the right one

STEEM is the road and each SP is a part of the road. The people traveling on it are housed in the different applications. Some of these applications are sleek and sporty while others a bit older, perhaps run down. There are one that get great gas mileage because they are the latest technology. Sadly, some of the older ones are gas guzzlers.

Nevertheless, our road can handle them all. We have some of the highest speed limits going. Also, unlike many other roads, we can move the greatest number of cars. Few can match the traffic we can handle. This comes in handy at rush hour when everyone is trying to get to work.

Traveling on our road costs money. We get paid, 24/7, 365 days a year. Each car that goes through with a passenger has to pay to use our road. Unlike other roads which charge the passengers a fee for each trip, we simply have the cars pay for space on the road. This works out well yet some think this will cost us money.

Steemians: You're already walking the road, and it's the right one

What if they move more people? Won't we lose money?

Of course not. Having more people means they need a bigger vehicle which we charge more for. A smart car and a bus are charge differently since the number of people they accommodate is much different.

The best part about this is we do not care about the cars. While we want all of them to be sleek and shiny, as long as they run that is our main concern. Manufacturing defects or poor design means nothing to us. We own the road. We like those ones that keep growing and need to transport more people. However, we realize now all are going to be like that. Ultimately, it does not matter because all have to pay to travel on our road.

Right now there are only a few cars traveling on it. At the moment, the path to get on our road is limited and confined. This causes anxiety in some people. What they fail to realize is that construction is taking place on new pathways which will allow for unlimited routes to our road. We are creating a situation where on ramps are going to be built every 50 feet if needed. We know our road can handle all that traffic so we are working diligently to make sure those pathways are opened.

I know, it is unfair that some people have more of the road than you do. I mean, honestly, it only makes sense that you showed up last week, why shouldn't you be entitled to the same amount everyone else has? Seriously, there are some people who have large pieces of this road. In fact, they own so much that entire lanes are theirs.

Of course, maybe we could look at the fact that they not only financed the construction of the road, they were the ones who also were out there building it. Many of them spend the better part of two years working each day to make sure the road was built. They were out there in both good times and bad; in all kinds of weather conditions. There was even a period of time where an earthquake happened and it was feared that the road would collapse. Nevertheless, our builders hung in there showing up each day and constructing what is before us.

I often wonder if, when an individual buys Amazon stock, he or she complains that Bezos owns so many shares. Do they expect him to just suddenly give a greater percentage of his take home to all the other stock holders? Of course, there are times when a guy like that sells some of his holding meaning that it ends up in the hands of a lot of other people. Nevertheless, Bezos is simply lucky to have been able to get Amazon stock so cheap those decades ago.

So the question is do you want a piece of the road or not? Who really cares about the issues with the cars traveling on it? Holding a piece of the highway is somewhat valuable when there are 1.7M travelers a day. Imagine what the holding of a single SP will be when there are 100M travelers per day on our road? Or 250M? Or 500M?

Or you can fuss and moan the same way you will be when you are riding down the road in a 1972 Pinto, a right that was paid to us.

Personally, I think everyone should do what they can to get a piece of this road. No matter how small that piece it, it will be valuable when there traffic is bumper-to-bumper.

Of course, there are some who will disagree with that.

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