What is Sancoj?
is a project tryng to bring all kind of opportunities to everyone for free like a job, project contract, event, learning, certification, socializing, talent management/enhancement, buying and selling, business acquisition, distributorship or franchising, etc
The word "SANCOJ" is an Esperanto word which means "OPPORTUNITIES" in English.
About Zingo
Zingo is an Artificial Intelligence Agent built into the Sancoj platform to analyze user data and suggest the most profitable opportunities to the user. We noticed that many people make career decisions based on their area of specialization and training, current financial status, current location, family ties, etc. They do not take into consideration the possibilities that other factors can offer.

you can see more about Sancoj on this video.

You can do your own reseach on the official page https://www.sancoj.com/
Here is the link to the white paper: https://www.sancoj.com/assets/whitepaper.pdf
This are the last words from the team
Our Product. Our Team. Our Location. We have gigantic ALL IN ONE product. Our team is made up of young experts, passionate IT stars that are eager to surprise the world. Our location is uncommon in the Blockchain sphere. Depending on interpretation, this can be an advantage or a disadvantage. For us, we do not want to hype the hype but work the work and bring SUCCESS TO EVERYBODY.
I suggest that you investigate more on theyr website as well as follow them in their social network since it contains a lot of information to clarify any doubt.
Telegram https://t.me/sancoj
Twitter https://twitter.com/sancojofficial
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SancojOfficial
I copied most of the information and images from theyr web page.