Don't wait for other to buy ..step up and buy now

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

Waiting for others to decide what's to happen is exactly the reason we've watched BTC be hijacked, and now we can watch it be carved up like a pig and distributed among the wealthy. We were never worthy of it.
at the very least, we could put up a little bit of fight, and organize just a little bit with a plan to push back against the Fud of media and crafty coyote Elites, and we could also develop a strategy among ourselves, as the SEC chair publicly said he wanted us to, to self-govern the Ico community. But we didn't. We just chased profits like day traders and let a culture of Winner Takes all develop and govern the space. Even now as the uncertainty of the future of almost a hundred billion dollars of Alt coin investment hangs in the balance, we have no strategy as should be expected from a heavily invested group, backed into a corner. The developers of the top 100 coins, where most of our money is, have a great responsibility to not only develop the blockchain algorithms and coin tokenomics, but also they could very easily create a fraternity, to which we would automatically belong, and develop good business practices and policy for us to follow to bring legitimacy to this incredible space, and also establish a collective white paper on behalf of all non securitized existing projects, which could act as a starting point for us, giving us a seat at the table of negotiation with the regulators and governments. This should be our primary undertaking at this point, as we are in a opportunistic vacuum period and nature abhors a vacuum. Let's not let the banksters fill that vacuum simply by doing nothing on our part

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