Why I don’t share Strategies anymore?

in cryptocurrency •  6 years ago 

… hmm think
if strategies are not 100%, or indestructible… so, why i will share a broken way?

if someday you win, why not take more things besides money?
I means, if you just took my strategy and won, cool, but.. what do you learning with the situation? If you lose, what do really know?

if casinos were just for wins, without experience, so where was the fun? What would you know about yourself in the game? or about the game?

..all strategies on youtube are broken, just for click-baits.. but, Is my opinion. I keep thinking that you should live your expirience. That’s it!

Luckygames was created to give a challenge, born with 48% chance to you, 52% is hers… if you want more chance, you can get up to 98%, always 2% is unmarketable… (the house edge) .. BUT.. if you want more chance, LG gives you and more less payements you will receive (if you win…).

ok, or you can give your chance to the house too.. and, take huge profits, (if you won…) you will always get 1% chance minimum…. understood? can stay with 1% and give the house 99% .. (payout 99x) .. as you know .. SO, you decide.. play the challenge game or nah!

.. think on more time, if you spend hours and days only to win, and dont care about the experience, be careful.
I shared some online-tools to help everyone in learning too.. see my olds posts. Think, play and have fun!



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