Ankorus lets you buy traditional financial assets by paying with any of 60+ cryptocurrencies. Disrupting the banking industry by proving an alternative.

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

Here is the newest video form Ankorus explaining their new ICO and platform allowing you to buy traditional financial assets by paying with any of 60+ cryptocurrencies. Disrupting the banking industry by proving an alternative. This will be the future of finance, a connection to institutional capital through crypto and vice versa, without banks.

This is what the crypto ecosystem needs more capital injection to bring all tokens, platforms and utilization of ideas to their full potential to transform our existence.

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Looking forward to the ICO on November 25. Anyone who still believes cryptocurrency as a whole is a scam is himself being scammed. This technological and financial sector is exploding, and Bible prophecy (Revelation 13:17 in particular), backs it up too, because this technology for the first time in human history offers an opportunity through which, someday, all buying and selling on earth may be controlled in real time by one entity.

Permissioned blockchain access is the tool that the Antichrist-operated Global Government will use to make sure that "no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." In the meantime, load up and HODL on bitcoin and other bona-fide cryptocurrencies, because you have about 1-5 years to enjoy the high returns and economic liberty this technology provides before the bad guys lock it down and use the coercive power of government to force everyone onto their One World Blockchain.

When I first heard about bitcoin from a patent client of mine in 2014 I bought in because I believed the Bible, and knew this tech would soar. When the Word of God is your advisor, you cant lose.